(Debug modules are discussed separately; see Debug in Low Power Modes.) Numberratings (such as 4 MHz and 1 Mbps) represent the maximum frequencies or maximumdata rates per mode. Also, these terms are used:• FF = Full functionality. In VLPR and VLPW the system frequency is limited, but if amodule does not have a limitation in its functionality, it is still listed as FF.• Async operation = Fully functional with alternate clock source, provided the selectedclock source remains enabled• static = Module register states and associated memories are retained.• powered = Memory is powered to retain contents.• low power = Memory is powered to retain contents in a lower power state• OFF = Modules are powered off; module is in reset state upon wakeup. For clocks,OFF means disabled.• wakeup = Modules can serve as a wakeup source for the chip.Table 7-2. Module operation in low power modesModules VLPR VLPW Stop VLPS LLS VLLSxCore modulesNVIC FF FF static static static OFFSystem modulesMode Controller FF FF FF FF FF FFLLWU1 static static static static FF FF2Regulator low power low power ON low power low power low power inVLLS3, OFF inVLLS0/1LVD disabled disabled ON disabled disabled disabledBrown-outDetectionON ON ON ON ON ON in VLLS1/3,optionallydisabled inVLLS03DMA FFAsync operationin CPOFF Async operation Async operation static OFFWatchdog FFstatic in CPOFF staticFF in PSTOP2static static OFFClocks1kHz LPO ON ON ON ON ON ON in VLLS1/3,OFF in VLLS0Systemoscillator (OSC)OSCERCLKmax of 16MHzcrystalOSCERCLKmax of 16MHzcrystalOSCERCLKoptionalOSCERCLKmax of 16MHzcrystallimited to lowrange/low powerlimited to lowrange/low powerin VLLS1/3, OFFin VLLS0MCG 4 MHz IRC 4 MHz IRC static -MCGIRCLKoptionalstatic -MCGIRCLKoptionalstatic - no clockoutputOFFTable continues on the next page...Module Operation in Low Power ModesKL04 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 3.1, November 2012128 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.