FCMD Command Program flash Function0x09 Erase Flash Sector × Erase all bytes in a programflash sector.0x40 Read 1s All Blocks × Verify that the program flashblock is erased then releaseMCU security.0x41 Read Once IFR Read 4 bytes of a dedicated64 byte field in the programflash 0 IFR.0x43 Program Once IFR One-time program of 4 bytesof a dedicated 64-byte field inthe program flash 0 IFR.0x44 Erase All Blocks × Erase the program flashblock, verify-erase andrelease MCU security.NOTE: An erase is onlypossible when allmemory locationsare unprotected.0x45 Verify Backdoor Access Key × Release MCU security aftercomparing a set of user-supplied security keys tothose stored in the programflash. Flash Commands by ModeThe following table shows the flash commands that can be executed in each flashoperating mode.Table 27-25. Flash Commands by ModeFCMD Command NVM Normal NVM SpecialUnsecure Secure MEEN=10 Unsecure Secure MEEN=100x01 Read 1s Section × × × × — —0x02 Program Check × × × × — —0x03 Read Resource × × × × — —0x06 Program Longword × × × × — —0x09 Erase Flash Sector × × × × — —0x40 Read 1s All Blocks × × × × × —0x41 Read Once × × × × — —0x43 Program Once × × × × — —0x44 Erase All Blocks × × × × × —0x45 Verify Backdoor AccessKey × × × × — —Chapter 27 Flash Memory Module (FTFA)KL04 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 3.1, November 2012Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 399