MTBDWT_CTRL field descriptions (continued)Field DescriptionMTBDWT_CTRL[26] = NOEXTTRIG = 1, external match signals are not supportedMTBDWT_CTRL[25] = NOCYCCNT = 1, cycle counter is not supportedMTBDWT_CTRL[24] = NOPRFCNT = 1, profiling counters are not supportedMTBDWT_CTRL[22] = CYCEBTENA = 0, no POSTCNT underflow packets generatedMTBDWT_CTRL[21] = FOLDEVTENA = 0, no folded instruction counter overflow eventsMTBDWT_CTRL[20] = LSUEVTENA = 0, no LSU counter overflow eventsMTBDWT_CTRL[19] = SLEEPEVTENA = 0, no sleep counter overflow eventsMTBDWT_CTRL[18] = EXCEVTENA = 0, no exception overhead counter eventsMTBDWT_CTRL[17] = CPIEVTENA = 0, no CPI counter overflow eventsMTBDWT_CTRL[16] = EXCTRCENA = 0, generation of exception trace disabledMTBDWT_CTRL[12] = PCSAMPLENA = 0, no periodic PC sample packets generatedMTBDWT_CTRL[11:10] = SYNCTAP = 0, no synchronization packetsMTBDWT_CTRL[9] = CYCTAP = 0, cycle counter is not supportedMTBDWT_CTRL[8:5] = POSTINIT = 0, cycle counter is not supportedMTBDWT_CTRL[4:1] = POSTPRESET = 0, cycle counter is not supportedMTBDWT_CTRL[0] = CYCCNTENA = 0, cycle counter is not supported19.32.2 MTB_DWT Comparator Register (MTBDWT_COMPn)The MTBDWT_COMPn registers provide the reference value for comparator n.Address: F000_1000h base + 20h offset + (16d × i), where i=0d to 1dBit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0R COMPWReset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0MTBDWT_COMPn field descriptionsField Description31–0COMPReference value for comparisonIf MTBDWT_COMP0 is used for a data value comparator and the access size is byte or halfword, the datavalue must be replicated across all appropriate byte lanes of this register. For example, if the data is abyte-sized "x" value, then COMP[31:24] = COMP[23:16] = COMP[15:8] = COMP[7:0] = "x". Likewise, if thedata is a halfword-size "y" value, then COMP[31:16] = COMP[15:0] = "y".Chapter 19 Micro Trace Buffer (MTB)KL04 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 3.1, November 2012Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 287