TPM Instantiation InformationThis device contains two Low Power TPM modules (TPM). All TPM modules in thedevice only are configured as basic TPM function, and no quadrature decoder functionand all can be functional in Stop/VLPS mode. The clock source is either external orinternal in Stop/VLPS mode.The following table shows how these modules are configured.Table 3-36. TPM configurationTPM instance Number of channels Features/usageTPM0 6 Basic TPM,functional in Stop/VLPS modeTPM1 2 Basic TPM,functional in Stop/VLPS modeThere are several connections to and from the TPMs in order to facilitate customer usecases. For complete details on the TPM module interconnects please refer to the Module-to-Module section. Clock OptionsThe TPM blocks are clocked from a single TPM clock that can be selected fromOSCERCLK, MCGIRCLK, or MCGFLLCLK. The selected source is controlled bySIM_SOPT2[TPMSRC] control registers.Each TPM also supports an external clock mode (TPM_SC[CMOD]=1x) in which thecounter increments after a synchronized (to the selected TPM clock source) rising edgedetect of an external clock input. The available external clock (either TPM_CLKIN0 orTPM_CLKIN1) is selected by SIM_SOPT4[TPMxCLKSEL] control register. Toguarantee valid operation the selected external clock must be less than half the frequencyof the selected TPM clock source. Trigger OptionsEach TPM has a selectable trigger input source controlled by theTPMx_CONF[TRGSEL] field to use for starting the counter and/or reloading thecounter. The options available are shown in the following table.Table 3-37. TPM trigger optionsTPMx_CONF[TRGSEL] Selected source0000 External trigger pin input (EXTRG_IN)Table continues on the next page...TimersKL04 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 3.1, November 201278 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.