Table 10-11. RTC Signal DescriptionsChip signal name Module signalnameDescription I/ORTC_CLKOUT1 RTC_CLKOUT 1 Hz square-wave output O1. RTC_CLKOUT can also be driven with OSCERCLK via SIM control bit SIM_SOPT[RCTCLKOUTSEL]10.4.7 Communication InterfacesTable 10-12. SPI0 Signal DescriptionsChip signal name Module signalnameDescription I/OSPI0_MISO MISO Master Data In, Slave Data Out I/OSPI0_MOSI MOSI Master Data Out, Slave Data In I/OSPI0_SCLK SPSCK SPI Serial Clock I/OSPI0_PCS0 SS Slave Select I/OTable 10-13. I2C 0 Signal DescriptionsChip signal name Module signalnameDescription I/OI2C0_SCL SCL Bidirectional serial clock line of the I2C system. I/OI2C0_SDA SDA Bidirectional serial data line of the I2C system. I/OTable 10-14. UART 0 Signal DescriptionsChip signal name Module signalnameDescription I/OUART0_TX TXD Transmit data OUART0_RX RXD Receive data I10.4.8 Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI)Table 10-15. GPIO Signal DescriptionsChip signal name Module signalnameDescription I/OPTA[31:0]1 PORTA31–PORTA0 General-purpose input/output I/OPTB[31:0]1 PORTB31–PORTB0 General-purpose input/output I/O1. The available GPIO pins depends on the specific package. See the signal multiplexing section for which exact GPIOsignals are available.Module Signal Description TablesKL04 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 3.1, November 2012152 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.