DMA memory mapAbsoluteaddress(hex)Register name Width(in bits) Access Reset value Section/page4000_8100 Source Address Register (DMA_SAR0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.1/3234000_8104 Destination Address Register (DMA_DAR0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.2/3244000_8108 DMA Status Register / Byte Count Register(DMA_DSR_BCR0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.3/3254000_810C DMA Control Register (DMA_DCR0) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.4/3274000_8110 Source Address Register (DMA_SAR1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.1/3234000_8114 Destination Address Register (DMA_DAR1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.2/3244000_8118 DMA Status Register / Byte Count Register(DMA_DSR_BCR1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.3/3254000_811C DMA Control Register (DMA_DCR1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.4/3274000_8120 Source Address Register (DMA_SAR2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.1/3234000_8124 Destination Address Register (DMA_DAR2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.2/3244000_8128 DMA Status Register / Byte Count Register(DMA_DSR_BCR2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.3/3254000_812C DMA Control Register (DMA_DCR2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.4/3274000_8130 Source Address Register (DMA_SAR3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.1/3234000_8134 Destination Address Register (DMA_DAR3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.2/3244000_8138 DMA Status Register / Byte Count Register(DMA_DSR_BCR3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.3/3254000_813C DMA Control Register (DMA_DCR3) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 23.3.4/32723.3.1 Source Address Register (DMA_SARn)RestrictionFor this register:• Only 32-bit writes are allowed. 16-bit and 8-bit writesresult in a bus error.• Only four values are allowed to be written to bits 31-20 ofthis register. A write of any other value to these bits causesa configuration error when the channel starts to execute.For more information about the configuration error, see thedescription of the CE field of DSR.Address: 4000_8000h base + 100h offset + (16d × i), where i=0d to 3dBit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0R SARWReset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Chapter 23 DMA Controller ModuleKL04 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 3.1, November 2012Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 323