ABB REC650 ANSI manuals
Table of contents
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- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Section 1 Introduction
- Intended audience
- Document revision history
- Document symbols and conventions
- Document conventions
- IEC 61850 edition 1 / edition 2 mapping
- Section 2 Available functions
- Communication
- Basic IED functions
- Section 3 Analog inputs
- Signals
- Settings
- Monitored data
- Operation principle
- Technical data
- Section 4 Binary input and output modules
- Setting parameters for binary input modules
- Section 5 Local Human-Machine-Interface LHMI
- Basic part for LED indication module
- LCD part for HMI function keys control module
- Keypad
- Display
- LEDs
- LED configuration alternatives
- Function keys
- General current and voltage protection CVGAPC
- Function block
- Base quantities for CVGAPC function
- Built-in undercurrent protection steps
- Built-in overvoltage protection steps
- Current circuit supervision CCSSPVC
- Functionality
- Delta current and delta voltage detection
- Dead line detection
- Main logic
- Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN
- Logic diagrams
- Interlocking
- Logical node for interlocking SCILO
- Interlocking for busbar earthing switch BB_ES
- Logic diagram
- Interlocking for bus-section disconnector A1A2_DC
- Interlocking for bus-coupler bay ABC_BC
- Interlocking for 1 1/2 CB BH
- Function blocks
- Interlocking for double CB bay DB
- Interlocking for line bay ABC_LINE
- Interlocking for transformer bay AB_TRAFO
- Apparatus control
- Error handling
- Bay control QCBAY
- Local/Remote switch LOCREM
- Switch controller SCSWI
- Circuit breaker SXCBR
- Circuit switch SXSWI
- Proxy for signals from switching device via GOOSE XLNPROXY
- Bay reserve QCRSV
- Reservation input RESIN
- Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation SLGAPC
- Selector mini switch VSGAPC
- Identification
- Generic communication function for Double Point indication DPGAPC
- Single point generic control 8 signals SPC8GAPC
- Tripping logic SMPPTRC
- General start matrix block SMAGAPC
- Trip matrix logic TMAGAPC
- Logic for group warning WRNCALH
- AND function block AND
- OR function block
- Pulse timer function block PULSETIMER
- Reset-set with memory function block RSMEMORY
- ANDQT function block
- Invalid logic function block INVALIDQT
- Inverter function block INVERTERQT
- Exclusive OR function block XORQT
- Boolean 16 to Integer conversion B16I
- Operation accuracy
- Measurements
- Measurements CVMMXN
- Phase current measurement CMMXU
- Phase-phase and phase-neutral voltage measurements VMMXU, VNMMXU
- Gas medium supervision SSIMG
- Liquid medium supervision SSIML
- Circuit breaker contact travel time
- Circuit breaker status
- Remaining life of circuit breaker
- Accumulated energy
- Circuit breaker operation cycles
- Circuit breaker operation monitoring
- Circuit breaker spring charge monitoring
- Circuit breaker gas pressure indication
- Event function EVENT
- Disturbance report DRPRDRE
- Logical signal status report BINSTATREP
- Fault locator LMBRFLO
- Measuring Principle
- The non-compensated impedance model
- Reporting
- Running hour-meter TEILGAPC
- Pulse-counter logic PCFCNT
- Access point
- Access point diagnostics
- Redundant communication
- Merging unit
- Routes
- Communication protocols
- IEC 61850-8-1 communication protocol
- Communication interfaces and protocols
- Generic communication function for Single Point indication SPGAPC, SP16GAPC
- Generic communication function for Measured Value MVGAPC
- GOOSE function block to receive an integer value GOOSEINTRCV
- GOOSE function block to receive a single point value GOOSESPRCV
- Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking GOOSEINTLKRCV
- GOOSE binary receive GOOSEBINRCV
- IEC 61850 quality expander QUALEXP
- communication ports
- SPA communication protocol
- Communication ports
- IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol
- Function status auto-recloser for IEC 60870-5-103 I103AR
- Function status earth-fault for IEC 60870-5-103 I103EF
- IED status for IEC 60870-5-103 I103IED
- Function commands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103CMD
- Design
- Authority check ATHCHCK
- enabled IED
- Authority management AUTHMAN
- Self supervision with internal event list INTERRSIG
- Internal signals
- Supervision of analog inputs
- Denial of service DOS
- Time synchronization TIMESYNCHGEN
- Real-time clock (RTC) operation
- Synchronization alternatives
- Process bus IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE synchronization
- Parameter setting groups
- Test mode functionality TESTMODE
- IED identifiers TERMINALID
- Product information PRODINF
- Signal matrix for binary inputs SMBI
- Frequency values
- Summation block 3 phase 3PHSUM
- Overview
- Case from the rear side
- Hardware modules
- Numeric module (NUM)
- Binary output modules (BOM)
- Binary input/output module (IOM)
- Serial and LON communication module (SLM)
- Galvanic RS485 communication module
- IRIG-B time synchronization module IRIG-B
- Dimensions
- Case without rear cover
- Flush mounting dimensions
- Wall mounting dimensions
- Mounting alternatives
- Mounting procedure for flush mounting
- Mounting procedure for wall mounting
- panel rack mounting
- Side-by-side 19" rack mounting
- IED mounted with a RHGS6 case
- Side-by-side flush mounting
- Electrical safety
- Type tests according to standard
- Labels on IED
- Section 18 Connection diagrams
- Section 19 Inverse time characteristics
- Principle of operation
- Inverse characteristics
- Section 20 Glossary
Table of contents
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- Table Of Contents
- Section 1 Introduction
- Product documentation
- Document revision history
- Related documents
- Document conventions
- IEC 61850 edition 1 / edition 2 mapping
- Section 2 Application
- Back-up protection functions
- Communication
- Basic IED functions
- Section 3 Configuration
- Section 4 Analog inputs
- Setting of the phase reference channel
- Example 2
- Example 3
- Examples on how to connect, configure and set CT inputs for most commonly used CT connections
- Example on how to connect a star connected three phase CT set to the IED
- Example how to connect delta connected three-phase CT set to the IED
- Example how to connect single-phase CT to the IED
- rated primary current and minimum pickup of a protection IED
- Examples how to connect, configure and set VT inputs for most commonly used VT connections
- Examples on how to connect a three phase-to-earth connected VT to the IED
- Example on how to connect a phase-to-phase connected VT to the IED
- Example on how to connect an open delta VT to the IED for high impedance earthed or unearthed networks
- for low impedance earthed or solidly earthed power systems
- Section 5 Local HMI
- Display
- LEDs
- Keypad
- Local HMI functionality
- Parameter management
- Front communication
- General current and voltage protection CVGAPC
- Current and voltage selection for CVGAPC function
- Base quantities for CVGAPC function
- Inadvertent generator energization
- Setting guidelines
- Negative sequence overcurrent protection
- Generator stator overload protection in accordance with IEC or ANSI standards
- generators and circuit breaker head flashover protection for generators
- Voltage restrained overcurrent protection for generator and step-up transformer
- Loss of excitation protection for a generator
- Section 7 Secondary system supervision
- Fuse failure supervision FUFSPVC
- Negative sequence based
- Zero sequence based
- Dead line detection
- Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN
- Synchrocheck
- Energizing check
- Voltage selection
- External fuse failure
- Application examples
- Single circuit breaker with single busbar
- Single circuit breaker with double busbar, external voltage selection
- Apparatus control APC
- Bay control QCBAY
- Switch controller SCSWI
- Switches SXCBR/SXSWI
- Reservation function (QCRSV and RESIN)
- Interaction between modules
- Bay control (QCBAY)
- Switch (SXCBR/SXSWI)
- Reservation input (RESIN)
- Configuration guidelines
- Signals from bypass busbar
- Signals from bus-coupler
- Configuration setting
- Interlocking for bus-coupler bay ABC_BC
- Application
- Interlocking for transformer bay AB_TRAFO
- Interlocking for bus-section breaker A1A2_BS
- Interlocking for bus-section disconnector A1A2_DC
- Signals in double-breaker arrangement
- Signals in 1 1/2 breaker arrangement
- Interlocking for busbar earthing switch BB_ES
- Interlocking for double CB bay DB
- Interlocking for 1 1/2 CB BH
- Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation SLGAPC
- Identification
- Tripping logic SMPPTRC
- Three-phase tripping
- Single-, two- or three-phase tripping
- Example of directional data
- Blocking of the function block
- Fixed signal function block FXDSIGN
- Boolean 16 to Integer conversion B16I
- Boolean to integer conversion with logical node representation, 16 bit BTIGAPC
- Integer to Boolean 16 conversion IB16
- representation ITBGAPC
- Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision TEIGAPC
- Comparator for real inputs - REALCOMP
- Setting example
- Measurement
- Zero clamping
- Setting examples
- Gas medium supervision SSIMG
- Liquid medium supervision SSIML
- Breaker monitoring SSCBR
- Event function EVENT
- Recording times
- Binary input signals
- Consideration
- Logical signal status report BINSTATREP
- Connection of analog currents
- Limit counter L4UFCNT
- Pulse-counter logic PCFCNT
- Function for energy calculation and demand handling ETPMMTR
- Access point
- Redundant communication
- Merging unit
- Communication protocols
- Receiving data
- IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE communication protocol
- Specific settings related to the IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE communication
- Setting examples for IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE and time synchronization
- IEC 61850 quality expander QUALEXP
- LON communication protocol
- IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol
- Design
- Settings
- Settings for RS485 and optical serial communication
- Settings from PCM600
- Function and information types
- DNP3 Communication protocol
- Authority status ATHSTAT
- Change lock CHNGLCK
- Denial of service SCHLCCH/RCHLCCH
- IED identifiers TERMINALID
- Measured value expander block RANGE_XP
- Signal matrix for binary inputs SMBI
- Signal matrix for analog inputs SMAI
- Test mode functionality TESTMODE
- Synchronization
- Process bus IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE synchronization
- Current transformer requirements
- Conditions
- Fault current
- General current transformer requirements
- Non-directional inverse time delayed phase and residual overcurrent protection
- Directional phase and residual overcurrent protection
- Current transformer requirements for CTs according to other standards
- Voltage transformer requirements
- SNTP server requirements
- Section 17 Glossary
Table of contents
- safety information
- Table Of Contents
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- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Section 1 Introduction
- Product documentation
- Document revision history
- Symbols and conventions
- Manual conventions
- Section 2 Available functions
- Control and monitoring functions
- Designed to communicate
- Section 3 Starting up
- Checking the power supply
- Setting up communication between PCM600 and the IED
- Writing an application configuration to the IED
- Checking CT circuits
- Checking the RTXP test switch
- Checking binary input and output circuits
- Section 4 Establishing connection and verifying the IEC
- Section 5 Testing IED operation
- Activating test mode
- Connecting test equipment to the IED
- Releasing the function to be tested
- Testing protection functionality
- Testing disturbance report
- Testing current protection functions
- Verifying the settings
- Completing the test
- Four step non-directional residual overcurrent protection
- Checking the re-trip and back-up times
- Verifying the re-trip mode
- Measuring the operate limit of set values
- Testing frequency protection functions
- Measuring the operate value for the negative sequence function
- function
- Testing the synchronizing function
- Testing the synchrocheck check
- Testing the energizing check
- Testing the voltage selection
- Preparation of the verification
- Verifying the autorecloser function SMBRREC
- Checking the reclosing conditions
- Testing logic functions
- Exit test mode
- clearing system
- Commissioning tests
- Visual inspection
- Section 8 Troubleshooting
- Checking the communication link operation
- Indication messages
- Additional indications
- Inspecting the wiring
- troubleshooting
- Section 9 Glossary
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- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Section 1 Introduction
- Product documentation
- Document revision history
- Symbols and conventions
- Document conventions
- Section 2 Application
- Available functions
- Back-up protection functions
- Station communication
- Basic IED functions
- REC650 application examples
- Single breaker line bay, single or double busbar, in high impedance grounded network
- Bus coupler in a solidly grounded network
- Bus coupler in a high impedance grounded network
- Section 3 REC650 setting examples
- Calculating general settings for analogue inputs 8I 2U
- Calculating settings for global base values GBASVAL
- Calculating settings for four step phase overcurrent protection
- Calculating settings for step 1
- Calculating general settings
- Calculating settings for step 4
- Calculating settings for four step residual overcurrent protection zero or negative sequence direction HV-side EF4PTOC (51N/67N)
- Calculating settings for step 2
- Calculating settings for HV-side breaker failure protection CCRBRF (50BF)
- Calculating settings for LV-side breaker failure protection CCRBRF (50BF)
- Introduction
- Relationships between setting parameter Base Current, CT rated primary current and minimum pickup of a protection IED
- Example 1
- Example 2
- Examples on how to connect, configure and set CT inputs for most commonly used CT connections
- Example on how to connect a wye connected three-phase CT set to the IED
- Setting of voltage channels
- Example
- Examples on how to connect a three phase-to-ground connected VT to the IED
- Example on how to connect a phase-to-phase connected VT to the IED
- Section 5 Local human-machine interface
- LEDs
- Keypad
- Local HMI functionality
- Parameter management
- Single-line diagram
- Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output PHPIOC (50)
- Setting guidelines
- Meshed network with parallel line
- Identification
- Settings for steps 1 to 4
- nd harmonic restrain
- Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC (50N)
- Four step residual overcurrent protection, zero, negative sequence direction EF4PTOC (51N/67N)
- Settings for steps 1 and 4
- Common settings for all steps
- Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection SDEPSDE (67N)
- Thermal overload protection, one time constant Fahrenheit/Celsius LFPTTR/LCPTTR (26)
- Application
- Stub protection STBPTOC (50STB)
- Pole discrepancy protection CCRPLD (52PD)
- Directional overpower protection GOPPDOP (32)
- Directional underpower protection GUPPDUP (37)
- Negative sequence based overcurrent function DNSPTOC (46)
- Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV (27)
- Voltage instability mitigation
- Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV (59)
- Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV (59N)
- Power supply quality
- Direct grounded system
- Settings for Two step residual overvoltage protection
- Loss of voltage check LOVPTUV (27)
- Underfrequency protection SAPTUF (81)
- Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC (81)
- Section 9 Secondary system supervision
- Negative sequence based
- Zero sequence based
- Dead line detection
- Breaker close/trip circuit monitoring TCSSCBR
- Synchronism check, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN (25)
- Synchronism check
- Energizing check
- Voltage selection
- External fuse failure
- Application examples
- Single circuit breaker with single busbar
- Single circuit breaker with double busbar, external voltage selection
- Single circuit breaker with double busbar, internal voltage selection
- Autorecloser for 3-phase operation SMBRREC (79)
- Auto-reclosing operation OFF and ON
- Blocking of the autorecloser
- Reclosing reset timer
- Lock-out initiation
- Automatic continuation of the reclosing sequence
- Auto-recloser parameter settings
- Apparatus control
- Interaction between modules
- Bay control (QCBAY)
- Configuration guidelines
- Signals in single breaker arrangement
- Signals in double-breaker arrangement
- Signals in breaker and a half arrangement
- Signals from all feeders
- Configuration setting
- Interlocking for bus-section disconnector A1A2_DC (3)
- Interlocking for bus-coupler bay ABC_BC (3)
- Configuration
- Signals from bus-coupler
- Interlocking for breaker-and-a-half diameter BH (3)
- Interlocking for double CB bay DB (3)
- Interlocking for line bay ABC_LINE (3)
- Signals from bypass busbar
- Interlocking for transformer bay AB_TRAFO (3)
- Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation SLGGIO
- Automation bits AUTOBITS
- Tripping logic common 3-phase output SMPPTRC (94)
- Lock-out
- Configurable logic blocks
- Fixed signals FXDSIGN
- Boolean 16 to integer conversion B16I
- Boolean 16 to integer conversion with logic node representation B16IFCVI
- IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions SPGGIO
- Measurements
- Setting examples
- Measurement function application for a 380kV OHL
- Event counter CNTGGIO
- Limit counter L4UFCNT
- Disturbance report
- Binary input signals
- Analog input signals
- Consideration
- Measured value expander block MVEXP
- Connection of analog currents
- Insulation liquid monitoring function SSIML (71)
- Pulse counter PCGGIO
- Energy calculation and demand handling EPTMMTR
- IEC61850-8-1 communication protocol
- Horizontal communication via GOOSE
- DNP3 protocol
- Self supervision with internal event list
- Time synchronization
- Parameter setting group handling
- Product information PRODINF
- Primary system values PRIMVAL
- Summation block 3 phase 3PHSUM
- Global base values GBASVAL
- Authority check ATHCHCK
- Authorization handling in the IED
- Authority status ATHSTAT
- Denial of service
- Current transformer requirements
- Conditions
- Fault current
- General current transformer requirements
- Non-directional instantaneous and definitive time, phase and residual overcurrent protection
- Non-directional inverse time delayed phase and residual overcurrent protection
- Directional phase and residual overcurrent protection
- Current transformers according to ANSI/IEEE
- Voltage transformer requirements
- SNTP server requirements
- Section 17 Glossary
Table of contents
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- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Section 1 Introduction
- Product documentation
- Document revision history
- Symbols and conventions
- Document conventions
- Section 2 Available functions
- Back-up protection functions
- Station communication
- Basic IED functions
- Section 3 Analog inputs
- Presumptions for technical data
- Settings
- Section 4 Binary input and output modules
- Setting parameters for communication module
- Section 5 Local Human-Machine-Interface LHMI
- Signals
- Operation principle
- LEDs
- Functionality
- Status LEDs
- Function keys
- Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output PHPIOC
- Four step phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output OC4PTOC
- Function block
- Monitored data
- Second harmonic blocking element
- Technical data
- Identification
- Internal polarizing
- External polarizing for earth-fault function
- Four residual overcurrent steps
- Directional supervision element with integrated directional comparison function
- Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection SDEPSDE
- Directional functions
- Thermal overload protection, one time constant Celsius Fahrenheit LCPTTR/LFPTTR
- Stub protection STBPTOC
- Pole discordance signaling from circuit breaker
- Low pass filtering
- Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV
- Measurement principle
- Blocking
- Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV
- Time delay
- Underfrequency protection SAPTUF
- Design
- Current circuit supervision CCSRDIF
- Delta current and delta voltage detection
- Dead line detection
- Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN
- Synchronizing
- Energizing check
- Fuse failure supervision
- busbars
- Voltage selection for a 1 1/2 circuit breaker arrangement
- Control of the auto-reclosing open time
- Apparatus control
- Local remote LOCREM
- Select release SELGGIO
- Circuit breaker SXCBR
- Circuit switch SXSWI
- Bay control QCBAY
- Local remote/Local remote control LOCREM LOCREMCTRL
- Interlocking
- Logic diagrams
- Logic diagram
- Position evaluation POS_EVAL
- Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation SLGGIO
- IEC 61850 generic communication I/O functions DPGGIO
- Function commands for IEC 60870-5-103 I103CMD
- Tripping logic common 3-phase output SMPPTRC
- Configurable logic blocks
- OR function block
- Inverter function block INVERTER
- PULSETIMER function block
- Controllable gate function block GATE
- Exclusive OR function block XOR
- Loop delay function block LOOPDELAY
- Timer function block TIMERSET
- AND function block
- Set-reset memory function block SRMEMORY
- Reset-set with memory function block RSMEMORY
- Configurable logic Q/T
- INVERTERQT function block
- Pulse timer function block PULSTIMERQT
- XORQT function block
- Settable timer function block TIMERSETQT
- ANDQT function block
- Set-reset function block SRMEMORYQT
- Reset-set function block RSMEMORYQT
- INVALIDQT function block
- Indication combining single position function block INDCOMBSPQT
- Indication extractor single position function block INDEXTSPQT
- Fixed signals FXDSIGN
- Integer to boolean 16 conversion IB16A
- Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision TEIGGIO
- Operation Accuracy
- Measurements
- Measurements CVMMXN
- Phase-phase voltage measurement VMMXU
- Current sequence component measurement CMSQI
- Phase current measurement CMMXU
- Phase-phase and phase-neutral voltage measurements VMMXU, VNMMXU
- Event Counter CNTGGIO
- Reporting
- Principle of operation
- Disturbance report DRPRDRE
- Analog input signals AxRADR
- Analog input signals A4RADR
- Binary input signals BxRBDR
- Disturbance information
- Disturbance recorder
- Analog signals
- Binary signals
- Post Retrigger
- Measuring Principle
- The non-compensated impedance model
- Insulation liquid monitoring function SSIML
- Circuit breaker status
- Breaker contact travel time
- Operation counter
- Remaining life of the circuit breaker
- Circuit breaker spring charged indication
- Gas pressure supervision
- Section 13 Metering
- DNP3 protocol
- Communication interfaces and protocols
- IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol
- Setting parameters
- Generic security application component AGSAL
- Self supervision with internal event list
- Internal signals
- Run-time model
- Time synchronization
- Time system, summer time ends DSTEND
- Real-time clock (RTC) operation
- Synchronization alternatives
- Test mode functionality TESTMODE
- Change lock function CHNGLCK
- Summation block 3 phase 3PHSUM
- Authorization handling in the IED
- Authority management AUTHMAN
- FTP access with password FTPACCS
- Authority status ATHSTAT
- Denial of service
- Section 16 IED physical connections
- Auxiliary supply voltage input
- Binary inputs
- Outputs
- Outputs for signalling
- Communication connections
- Station communication rear connection
- Section 17 Technical data
- Energizing inputs
- Signal outputs
- Data communication interfaces
- Enclosure class
- Environmental conditions and tests
- Section 18 IED and functionality tests
- Insulation tests
- EMC compliance
- Section 19 Time inverse characteristics
- Inverse time characteristics
- Section 20 Glossary
Table of contents
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- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Section 1 Introduction
- Product documentation
- Document revision history
- Symbols and conventions
- Document conventions
- Section 2 Available functions
- Back-up protection functions
- Station communication
- Basic IED functions
- Section 3 Analog inputs
- Presumptions for technical data
- Settings
- Section 4 Binary input and output modules
- Setting parameters for communication module
- Section 5 Local Human-Machine-Interface LHMI
- Function block
- Basic part for LED indication module
- LCD part for HMI function keys control module
- Operation principle
- LEDs
- Functionality
- Function keys
- Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection 3-phase output PHPIOC (50)
- Technical data
- Monitored data
- Second harmonic blocking element
- Four step residual overcurrent protection, zero, negative sequence direction EF4PTOC (51N/67N)
- Internal polarizing
- External polarizing for ground-fault function
- Base quantities within the protection
- Directional supervision element with integrated directional comparison function
- Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection SDEPSDE (67N)
- Signals
- Directional residual current protection measuring 3I
- Directional functions
- Thermal overload protection, one time constant Fahrenheit/Celsius LFPTTR/LCPTTR (26)
- Stub protection STBPTOC (50STB)
- Pole discrepancy protection CCRPLD (52PD)
- Pole discrepancy signaling from circuit breaker
- Unsymmetrical current detection
- Low pass filtering
- Negative sequence based overcurrent function DNSPTOC (46)
- Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV (27)
- Measurement principle
- Blocking
- Design
- Underfrequency protection SAPTUF (81)
- Time delay
- Overfrequency protection SAPTOF (81)
- Current circuit supervision CCSRDIF (87)
- Delta current and delta voltage detection
- Dead line detection
- Synchronism check, energizing check, and synchronizing SESRSYN (25)
- Synchronizing
- Energizing check
- Voltage selection
- Voltage selection for a breaker-and-a-half circuit breaker arrangement
- Identification
- Control of the auto-reclosing open time
- Switch controller SCSWI
- Circuit breaker SXCBR
- Circuit switch SXSWI
- Bay control QCBAY
- Local remote/Local remote control LOCREM/LOCREMCTRL
- Interlocking
- Logic diagram
- Logic diagrams
- Logic rotating switch for function selection and LHMI presentation SLGGIO
- Selector mini switch VSGGIO
- IEC 61850 generic communication I/O functions DPGGIO
- Single point generic control 8 signals SPC8GGIO
- Function commands generic for IEC 60870-5-103 I103GENCMD
- Tripping logic common 3-phase output SMPPTRC (94)
- Configurable logic blocks
- OR function block
- Inverter function block INVERTER
- PULSETIMER function block
- Controllable gate function block GATE
- Exclusive OR function block XOR
- Loop delay function block LOOPDELAY
- Timer function block TIMERSET
- AND function block
- Set-reset memory function block SRMEMORY
- Reset-set with memory function block RSMEMORY
- Configurable logic Q/T
- INVERTERQT function block
- Pulse timer function block PULSTIMERQT
- XORQT function block
- Settable timer function block TIMERSETQT
- ANDQT function block
- Set-reset function block SRMEMORYQT
- Reset-set function block RSMEMORYQT
- INVALIDQT function block
- Indication combining single position function block INDCOMBSPQT
- Fixed signals FXDSIGN
- Boolean 16 to integer conversion with logic node representation B16IFCVI
- Integer to boolean 16 conversion IB16A
- Integer to boolean 16 conversion with logic node representation IB16FCVB
- Elapsed time integrator with limit transgression and overflow supervision TEIGGIO
- Operation Accuracy
- Measurements
- Measurements CVMMXN
- Phase current measurement CMMXU
- Current sequence component measurement CMSQI
- Voltage sequence measurement VMSQI
- Phase-neutral voltage measurement VNMMXU
- Phase-phase and phase-neutral voltage measurements VMMXU, VNMMXU
- Event Counter CNTGGIO
- Function description
- Reporting
- Disturbance report DRPRDRE
- Analog input signals AxRADR
- Analog input signals A4RADR
- Binary input signals BxRBDR
- Disturbance information
- Trip value recorder
- Analog signals
- Binary signals
- Post Retrigger
- Disturbance recorder
- Memory and storage
- Fault locator LMBRFLO
- Measuring Principle
- The non-compensated impedance model
- Insulation liquid monitoring function SSIML (71)
- Circuit breaker status
- Circuit breaker operation monitoring
- Breaker contact travel time
- Operation counter
- Remaining life of the circuit breaker
- Circuit breaker spring charged indication
- Gas pressure supervision
- IED status for IEC 60870-5-103 I103IED
- Supervison status for IEC 60870-5-103 I103SUPERV
- Status for user defined signals for IEC 60870-5-103 I103USRDEF
- Pulse counter PCGGIO
- Energy calculation and demand handling ETPMMTR
- DNP3 protocol
- Communication interfaces and protocols
- GOOSE function block to receive an integer value GOOSEINTRCV
- IEC 60870-5-103 communication protocol
- IEC 61850-8-1 redundant station bus communication
- Setting parameters
- Generic security application component AGSAL
- Security events on protocols SECALARM
- Self supervision with internal event list
- Internal signals
- Run-time model
- Time synchronization
- Time synchronization via SNTP
- Time synchronization via IRIG-B
- Real-time clock (RTC) operation
- Synchronization alternatives
- Setting group handling SETGRPS
- Test mode functionality TESTMODE
- Change lock function CHNGLCK
- IED identifiers TERMINALID
- Summation block 3 phase 3PHSUM
- Authority management AUTHMAN
- Denial of service, frame rate control for front port DOSFRNT
- Protective ground connections
- Inputs
- Auxiliary supply voltage input
- Outputs
- Outputs for signalling
- Communication connections
- Station communication rear connection
- Dimensions
- Energizing inputs
- Binary inputs
- Data communication interfaces
- Enclosure class
- Ingress protection
- Electromagnetic compatibility tests
- Insulation tests
- Product safety
- Section 19 Time inverse characteristics
- Inverse time characteristics
- Section 20 Glossary
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- series overview
- Available functions
- Control
- Current protection
- Voltage protection
- Frequency protection
- Logic
- Monitoring
- Metering
- Basic IED functions
- Hardware description
- Connection diagrams Customized
- Connection diagrams Configured
- Technical data
- Ordering for Customized IED
- Ordering for Configured IED
- Ordering for Accessories
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