6 Object dictionary for XN-312-GW-CAN gateway6.8 Process input data transmission96 Gateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-EN www.eaton.euTable 30: Structure of PDO mapping entries6.8 Process input data transmissionTogether with objects 1A00 hex to 1A0F hex , objects 1800 hex to 180Fhex definewhich input data should be transmitted with which priority and which trans-mission type using TPDO transfers."TPDO" stands for "transmit process data object" and refers to process datatransmitted by the gateway.Object 1800 hex defines the priority, the minimum transmission inhibit time,the maximum pause between two transmissions, and the transmission typefor TPDO1. Object 1A00hex specifies the object index, sub-index, and datalength for the data that needs to be transmitted with TPDO1.Accordingly, object 1801 hex provides this information for TPDO2 togetherwith object 1A01 hex , etc.The data's priority is defined with the identifier/COB-ID.A default mapping is already configured for all PDOs: 1600 to 160F and 1A00to 1A0F. The COB-ID that needs to be used is already configured for allPDOs as well: 1400/1 to140F/1 and 1A00/1 to 1A0F/1. The first 4 PDOs, 0 to3, are enabled and allowed to transmit. PDOs 4 to F need to be manuallyenabled.This means that an XN300 station with a maximum of 64 digital inputs and12 analog inputs will take care of the TPDO-based transmission of processinput data by itself.6.8.1 Objects 1800 hex to 180FhexTransmit PDO ParameterObjects 1800 hex to 180F hex define the priority, the transmission type, theminimum inhibit time, and the maximum pause between two transmissionsfor TPDO1 to TPDO32.The priority is defined with the identifier/COB-ID using sub-index 01hex . Themost significant bit in sub-index 01hex can be used to define the remainingcontent as invalid/valid. This means that the corresponding most significanthex number is >8.The transmission type is defined using sub-index 02hex . table 27, page 93shows the available transmission types..Sub-index 03 hex defines the minimum transmission inhibit time.Sub-index 05 hex is used to define the maximum pause between two trans-missions.msb lsbObject index (16 bits) Sub index (8 Bit) Object length (8 bits)