6 Object dictionary for XN-312-GW-CAN gateway6.5 Synchronization and emergency identifiersGateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-EN www.eaton.eu 876.5 Synchronization and emergency identifiers6.5.1 Object 1005 hex Sync COB-IDObject 1005hex defines the COB-ID to which SYNC is sent and, accordingly,the synchronization object's (SYNC ) priority. The XN-312-GW-CAN gatewaycannot generate SYNC messages, but can receive them. When a synchroni-zation frame is received, the frame will trigger the cyclical transmission ofPDOs if these PDOs have been configured with the "cyclic -synchronous" or"acyclic - synchronous" transmission type.Default COB-ID = 0x80.Outputs can be set simultaneously and/or inputs can be read simultaneously.Table 17: Description of object 1005 hexTable 18: Structure of SYNC COB-ID entry (Unsigned32)Table 19: Description of SYNC COB-ID entryFeature Sub index Description / ValueName SYNC COB-IDObject code VARPDO mapping NoData type Sub index 00 hex Unsigned32Access Sub index 00 hex rwDefault value XN-312-GW-CAN Sub index 00 hex 0000 0080 hexmsb lsbbits 31 30 29 28 to 11 10 to 011 Bit ID X 0 0 00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001000000011 Bit identifier29 Bit ID X 0 1 29 Bit Identifier1) XN-312-GW-CANBit number Value Description31 (MSB) X Fixed30 01Module will not generate a SYNC messageModule will generate a SYNC message29 0111-Bit-ID (CAN 2.0A)29-Bit-ID (CAN 2.0B)28 to 11 0Xif Bit 29 = 0If bit 29 = 1: Bits 28 to 11 of SYNC COB-ID10 to 0 (lsb) X Bits 10 to 0 of SYNC COB-ID1) XN-312-GW-CAN