0 About this manual0.1 List of revisionsGateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-EN www.eaton.eu 110 About this manualThis manual describes the installation, commissioning and programming ofthe XN-312-GW-CAN gateway.The gateway is an integral part of the XN300 system, as are the slice mod-ules with designation XN-312.Support centerThe latest version of this manual can be found in other languages on theInternet by visiting our Support Center at:http://www.eaton.eu/documentationBy entering the search keyword "Gateway" or "XN300" into the quick searchor by entering the document designation, e.g. MN050003.The standard EDS files can also be found in the Support Center by enteringthe search key word "EDS".The instruction leaflet can be found by going to the Download Center - Docu-mentation page in the Customer Support area and entering "IL050017ZU"into the search box.Information on XN-322-... slice modules can be found in the following docu-ments:• "XN-300 Slice Modules" manual, MN050002-ENDownload CenterEDS files, the XN-300 Assist engineering tool, the XSOFT-CODESYS-2 andXSOFT-CODESYS-3 software described in this manual, and updates for theoperating system for XN-312-… can all be downloaded from theEaton Download Center on the Internet at:http://www.eaton.eu/software0.1 List of revisionsThe following significant amendments have been introduced since previousissues:EditiondatePage Keyword New Changes02/16 45 Bus utilization → Section “3.2.1 Creating field bus communi-cation CANopen”✓178 Table SDO value for sensor selection → Section“7.14.15 Sensor Type Selection Channel x (Object 0x5070 bis0x5073)”✓314,315Choosing period duration → Chapter 7 “Product-specific CANobjects XN300 slice modules”✓