7 Product-specific CAN objects XN300 slice modules7.25 XN-322-1CNT-8DIO338 Gateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-EN www.eaton.eu7.25.9 Maximum Idle Time (Object 0x40F2)Object 0x40F2 will contain the following information depending on the typeof access used:• READContent of encoder idle time register (object 0x30F1)• WRITEMaximum value that the internal count register and, accordingly, theencoder idle time register (object 0x30F1) are allowed to assumeObject (40F2) can be used to define the maximum integration interval for theencoder idle time. If the internal count register is incremented all the way tothis value, its count will cease to be incremented, it will be copied to theencoder idle time register, and counting will be restarted.The value must be interpreted as a motor stop or open wire. This means thatthe content of maximum idle time can be used to define the time after whicha motor stop will be detected.Design of the data bytes:7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0– – – – – – – ConfData bit Designation Description0 0= TTL signal encoder1 = RS422 signal encoderTmax = Maximum Idle Time * Idle Clock Pre-Scalerf CLKFeature Description / Value EDSName MaxIdleTime [MxSubExt40F2]ParameterName=MaxIdleTimeObjectType=0x7DataType=0x0004AccessType=rwPDOMapping=1Count=1Description Maximum Idle TimeObject Code ARRAYMapping SDOManualData type INTEGER32Sub index 01 … FE hexAccess rw