7 Product-specific CAN objects XN300 slice modules7.24 XN-322-1DCD-B35328 Gateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-EN www.eaton.eu7.24.16 DC Motor I2T Value Limit (Object 0x40E5)Object 0x40E5 represents the analog shutdown value for the internal mea-surement of motor energy I²t in [(1/160) A²s].Design of the data bytes:Feature Description / Value EDSName DCMotorI2TLimit [MxSubExt40E5]ParameterName=DCMotorI2TLimitObjectType=0x7DataType=0x0007AccessType=rwPDOMapping=1Count=1Description DC Motor I2T Value LimitObject Code ARRAYMapping PDOManualData type UNSIGNED32Sub index 01 … FE hexAccess rwDefault 0000 0400 hex1 Byte Byte 0:Sub index1≦n≦254B15B14B13B12B11B10B9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0LSB4 Byte 3 ByteSub index1≦n≦254B15B14B13B12B11B10B9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0MSB