8 Station variants8.3 How the "station variants" operating mode works356 Gateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-DE www.eaton.euThe station variant that is actually being used with the gateway can corre-spond to the full configuration or to a subset of it (in the latter case, not allXN300 slice modules need to be present). Regardless of the configurationused, however, the order of the XN300 slice modules must not be altered.With the help of the function block, the user program will determine whetherone of the permitted reduced assemblies is physically connected to the gate-way. Once this occurs, a set of program code modified as necessary for thespecific reduced assembly can be executed in the application.8.3 How the "station variants" operating mode worksThe gateway can be run in "standard" mode or "station variants" mode. Set-ting SDO 0x4005, "Activation StationVariants Mode," to TRUE will make thegateway switch to the "station variants" mode. XN300 Assist can be used todetermine whether the "station variants" mode has been selected.There are two initialization phases.Initialization phase 1During initialization phase 1, the XN300 gateway's CANopen status will bePRE-OPERATIONAL.If you want to use the "station variants" functionality in the user program, thePLC must set the "Activation StationVariants Mode" entry to TRUE during ini-tialization phase 1. Initialization phase 1 ends with the "Start-Remote-Node"NMT frame.Initialization phase 2During initialization phase 2, the XN300 gateway's CANopen status will beOPERATIONAL.In the "station variants" operating status, the defined full configuration will bestored on the XN300 gateway as a list of XN300 slice modules in a permissi-ble order. The information on the station variant to be used on the gatewaywill also be stored as a list. These lists are written to the gateway via thePLC.As long as there is information on the full configuration/reduced assembly onthe gateway, the gateway will use the aforementioned lists for the followingpurposes:• To run a validation check against the target configuration• To create a default mapping and an object dictionary based on the fullconfiguration