3 Commissioning3.2 Take the CANopen field bus into operation44 Gateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-EN www.eaton.eu3.2 Take the CANopen field bus into operationIf you are putting the field bus into operation for the first time, you will firsthave to set up the PLC programming environment→ Chapter 5 “Connecting the PLC to the gateway using CODESYS”, page53.Generally speaking, the following steps must be carried out when commis-sioning the gateway for the first time:1. Open or create the project in the PLC programming environment.2. Install the appropriate EDS files in the PLC programming tool.3. Select the field bus master in the PLC programming environment (targetsystem) and set a Baud rate, e.g., 250 kBaud.4. Select the gateway as a field bus module5. Select the XN300 slice modules; this step is skipped when using a proj-ect-specific EDS file.6. Configure the gateway's and the XN300 modules' parameters in the PLCprogramming tool.The I/O slice modules' parameters will be stored in the object dictionary.If you are using analog modules, observe the following requirements:• If default mapping (index 0x6401/x) is used for analog modules, PDO-based data transmission for these I/O slice modules must be enabled bysetting the value of object index 0x6423, subindex 0 to TRUE → Section“7.15.3 Analog Input Global Interrupt Enable (Object 0x6423)”, page187.• Regulate the bus load on the CAN field busThe following procedure is recommended in order to prevent the XN-312-GW-CAN gateway from generating a heavy load on the CAN fieldbus:• Use internal module filters; please consult manual "XN300 slicemodules", MN050002-EN".• If using the default mapping (index 0x6401/x), a transmission filtercan be configured for each individual payload data object (SDOobjects: AI_DELTA_VALUE, index 0x6426/x).When this filter is configured, the gateway will update and transmitthe corresponding value only if this value is different from the lasttransmitted value by more than the configured delta → Section“7.14.6 Analog Input Interrupt Delta Unsigned (Object 0x6426)”,page 170.• By setting an inhibit time or selecting a synchronous transmissiontype, TPDO properties can be configured in such a way as to avoidimpermissible bus loads → Section “6.8.1 Objects 1800hex to180Fhex Transmit PDO Parameter”, page 96.