7 Product-specific CAN objects XN300 slice modules7.13 XN-322-16DIO-PC05Gateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-EN www.eaton.eu 1537.13 XN-322-16DIO-PC05This module supports the provision of data for digital inputs as per the speci-fications in CiA401. It allows for process data to be accessed with variousvendor-specific objects.A distinction is drawn between the following CANopen objects within thiscontext:• System-specific objects that the CANopen standard requires for a sys-tem.• Product-specific objects that the CANopen standard requires for a prod-uct group, e.g., for analog modules.• Vendor-specific objects that the CANopen standard does not require andthat the manufacturer implements for data communication purposes.Figure 66: Block diagram showing the various CANopen objects for digital inputsherstellerspezifischproduktspezifischCANTransmissionCANTransmissionCANTransmissionCANTransmissionlnkrementalEncoder1 3176hlnkrementalEncoder2 3177hCounterModeRegister14170h Counter1 3172hCounter2 3173hCounter3 3174hCounter4 3175hPWM HighTime1 3178hPWM PeriodTime1 3179hPWM HighTime2 317AhPWM PeriodTime2 317BhPWM HighTime3 317ChPWM PeriodTime3 317DhPWM HighTime4 317EhPWM PeriodTime4 317FhCANTransmissionENTRYinto 6000hTRANSMITTPDO1MAP intoTPDO1Single Digital InputReceptionInput1_8 3170h