7 Product-specific CAN objects XN300 slice modules7.19 XN-322-4AIO-U2234 Gateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-EN www.eaton.eu7.19 XN-322-4AIO-U2This module supports the provision of data for analog inputs and analog out-puts as per the specifications in CiA401. It allows for process data to beaccessed with various vendor-specific objects.A distinction is drawn between the following CANopen objects within thiscontext:• System-specific objects that the CANopen standard requires for a sys-tem.• Product-specific objects that the CANopen standard requires for a prod-uct group, e.g., for analog modules.• Vendor-specific objects that the CANopen standard does not require andthat the manufacturer implements for data communication purposes.Figure 76: Block diagram showing the various CANopen objects for analog inputsherstellerspezifischproduktspezifischCANTransmissionCANTransmissionCANTransmissionCANTransmissionChannel FilterConfiguration51A2h-51A3hChannel MeasuringConfiguration51A0hSignal ConditioningCPU SystemA/DConverterModule Status31A0hChannel Status31A3hAnalog Input31A1h-31A2hENTRYinto 6401hUpper Limit6424h ≧<△Lower Limit6425hValue Difference6426hPositive ValueDifference 6428hlnterruptTrigger Section6421h= 1XOR&ANDCLOSEIFTRUElnterruptEnable6423hNegative ValueDifference 6427hAnalogInput