8 Station variants8.3 How the "station variants" operating mode works360 Gateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-DE www.eaton.eu• If the check is OK, i.e., if a matching station variant is found: con-tinue to step 10.6. The function block instance reads the target configuration from the gate-way and checks whether this target configuration matches one of thestation variants stored on the PLC.• If the target configuration matches one of the station variants onthe PLC: continue to step 7.• If a match cannot be found: continue to step 13.7. The function block instance writes the full configuration to the gateway(SDO 0x4007). Continue to step 8.8. The function block instance writes information regarding the reducedassembly to the gateway (SDO 0x4008). Continue to step 9.9. The checksum is written (SDO 0x4006/0), causing the gateway to storethe full configuration/reduced assembly and reboot. Continue to step 1.10. The function block instance writes the checksum back (SDO 0x4006/0),giving the gateway the enable signal the latter needs in order to starttransferring data. Continue to step 11.11. Normal operation – data exchange.12. "ERROR_NOT_ACTIVATED" error: no enable signal in the application, thegateway is in "standard" mode.13. "ERROR_NO_SUBASSEMBLY" error: no enable signal in the application,no data transfers by the gateway.8.3.3 "Station Variants" function blockThe "StationVariants" function block is found in the EA_XN300.library libraryand can be used in XSOFT-CODESYS 3.5.xx and higher.The functionality implemented in this library can be used to access XN-312-GW-CAN CANopen nodes.Figure 92: StationVariants function block in the EA_XN300 libraryBOOLUSINTstru_REDUCEDASSEMBLYstru_CONFILISTUSINTenum_XN_312_GW_STATExOperationalusiActivReducedAssemblyActiveReducedAssemblyCurrentModuleAssemblyusiNoOfAcceptedReducedAssemblieseGatewayFBStateeDrvNrbyNodeNrFullConfigurationListaAcceptedReducedAssembliesxConfigurationInformationValidEA_CANTYPES.CanDrvInterfaceBYTEstru_CONFIGLISTARRAY[1..gc_byNumberOfReducedAssemblies]OF stru_REDUCEDASSEMBLYBOOLStationVariants