7 Product-specific CAN objects XN300 slice modules7.25 XN-322-1CNT-8DIO332 Gateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-EN www.eaton.eu7.25.3 Encoder Idle Time (Object 0x30F1)Object 0x30F1 contains the number of pulses triggered by the internal timereference (IdleClock) since the last encoder count value increment (risingedge on signal A). This register makes it possible to measure frequenciesand speed.An internal register will be internally incremented at the idle clock time inter-val defined in object 9x40F3 and copied to the encoder idle time register withevery rising edge on the counter input (A) (X1 encoding), after which it will bereset.This means that the content of the encoder idle time register provides a mea-surement of the time interval between two count pulses.The counting direction will be determined using the second channel of coun-ter input (B), with the sign (MSB) being interpreted as the direction of rota-tion.This measurement will yield the "pulses per second" frequency as per the for-mula below:fIPS : "Pulses per second" frequencyfCLK : Frequency ClockIf the speed increases, the value in the encoder idle time register willdecrease, i.e., the time measured will be shorter. If the speed decreases, alarger number of pulses will be added, so that the time measured will be lon-ger. If the register's content reaches its maximum value, it must be assumedthat the motor has stopped or that there is an open wire. The comparisonbetween the content of the internal count register and the specified maxi-mum value in the maximum idle time register will cause the incrementingoperation to be stopped, the counter value to be copied to the encoder idletime register, and the counting operation to then be restarted. The directionof rotation will then be indicated as being positive.Feature Description / Value EDSName IdleTime [MxSubExt30F1]ParameterName=IdleTimeObjectType=0x7DataType=0x0004AccessType=roPDOMapping=1Count=1Description Encoder Idle TimeObject Code VARMapping PDOManualData type INTEGER32Sub index 01 … FE hexAccess rofIPS = f CLK(Encoder Idle Time * Idle Clock Pre-Scaler