7 Product-specific CAN objects XN300 slice modules7.24 XN-322-1DCD-B35Gateway XN-312-GW-CAN 06/16 MN050003-EN www.eaton.eu 3157.24.2 Write Period Duration of Sequence Cycle (Object 0x20E4)Object 0x20E4 can be used to transmit the duration of the PWM outputsequence t p for motor control to the module.Design of the data bytes:Data bit Designation Meaning0 – 10 t OutputSequence n Time value for determining the pulse width11 TC 0 = relative time counter1 = absolute time counter12 0 = OFF1 = left high ON13 0 = OFF1 = right high ON14 0 = OFF1 = left low ON15 0 = OFF1 = right low ONACHTUNG NOTICESelect period duration tp in line with the output sequence:t p = t OutputSequence = t OutputSequence1 +... + t OutputSequence4Failure to do so may result in undesired XN300 slice modulestates.Period duration = tP = WRPeriodDurationSeqClock frequencyFeature Description / Value EDSName WRPeriodDurationSeq [MxSubExt20E4]ParameterName=WRPeriodDurationSeqObjectType=0x7DataType=0x0006AccessType=woPDOMapping=1Count=1Description Write Period Duration of Sequence CycleObject Code ARRAYMapping PDOManualData type UNSIGNED16Sub index 01 … FE hexAccess woDefault value 0000 hex