NoteActionxx1300000737Fit the o-ring.3The figure shows the position of the o-ring.Apply Sikaflex on the o-ring before as-sembly.4xx1300000560Run the SMB/BU cables into the SMB re-cess.5xx1300000655Use caution and fit the SMB/BU cover inits hole with three attachment screws frominside the SMB recess without damagingthe o-ring.NoteDo not tighten the screws fully! It must stillbe possible to adjust the position of thecable harness by rotating the SMB/BUcover in its hole a little.6Continues on next page214 3HAC044266-001 Revision: -© Copyright 2013 ABB. All rights reserved.4 Repair4.4.2 Refitting the cable harnessContinued