NoteActionxx1300000820Use caution and push the cable harnessinto the upper arm tube.NoteDo not run the cable harness into theDressPack tube!7Person 1, working at the side hole:xx1300000745TipThis step is best performed by two personsworking together.Use caution and push the cable harnessinto the wrist like this:• Person 1: Put one hand inside theside cover hole and take a hold ofthe cable harness.• Person 2: Take a hold of the cableharness from inside the wrist.• Together: Use caution and move thecable harness past the axis-5 motorand into the wrist.8Person 2, working at the wrist:xx1300000746xx1300000592Refit the metal clamp axis-4 inside the armtube.NoteThe screws are reached from outside theupper arm!9Continues on next page3HAC044266-001 Revision: - 325© Copyright 2013 ABB. All rights reserved.4 Repair4.5.4 Replacing the lower armContinued