NoteActionPerson 1, working at the side hole:xx1300000745TipThis step is best performed by two personsworking together.Use caution and remove the cable harnessfrom the wrist like this:• Person 1: Put one hand inside theside hole and take a hold of thecable harness.• Person 2: Take a hold on the cableharness inside the wrist.• Together: Use caution and move thecable harness past the axis-5 motorand into the arm tube.11Person 2, working at the wrist:xx1300000746Person 1, working at side hole:xx1300000745TipThis step is best performed by two personsworking together - one at the side hole andthe other at the back of the robot.• Person 1: Put one hand inside theside hole and take a hold of thecable harness.• Person 2: Take a hold on the cableharness at the back of the robot.• Together: Use caution and move thecable harness out of the arm tube.12Person 2, working at the back:xx1300000594Use caution and remove the cable harnessfrom the upper arm.To be able to remove the cable harness ifDressPack is fitted, the DressPack tubeneeds to be pulled out a little, then beplaced on the lower left side in the arm tubeand the bracket of the cable harness thenneeds to be placed on the upper right handside. See figure!The blue ring shows the position of theDressPack tube, if one is fitted.Continues on next page312 3HAC044266-001 Revision: -© Copyright 2013 ABB. All rights reserved.4 Repair4.5.4 Replacing the lower armContinued