Refitting the cable harness - upper arm and wristThese procedures describes how to refit the cable harness in upper arm and wrist.Refitting the cable harness - upper armNoteActionxx1300000541Refit the metal clamp on top of the armhouse.1xx1300000543Refit the arm house metal clamp.2Make sure that the cable loop is intact. Ifnot, arrange the cables into a loop betweenthe cable clamps in the upper arm, asshown in the figure.NoteThe variant with a long upper arm does nothave a loop.3xx1300000668Tie the axis-5 and axis-6 motor cables intobundles (if not already done), to avoiddamaging them during the continued pro-cedure.This will also make it easier to run the cableharness through the inside of the robot.4Continues on next page3HAC044266-001 Revision: - 223© Copyright 2013 ABB. All rights reserved.4 Repair4.4.2 Refitting the cable harnessContinued