Address: LLWU_F1 is 4007_C000h base + 5h offset = 4007_C005hBit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Read WUF7 WUF6 WUF5 WUF4 WUF3 WUF2 WUF1 WUF0Write w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1c w1cReset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0LLWU_F1 field descriptionsField Description7WUF7Wakeup Flag for LLWU_P7Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting LLS or VLLS. To clear the flag writea one to WUF7.0 LLWU_P7 input was not a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS mode1 LLWU_P7 input was a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS mode6WUF6Wakeup Flag for LLWU_P6Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting LLS or VLLS. To clear the flag writea one to WUF6.0 LLWU_P6 input was not a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS mode1 LLWU_P6 input was a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS mode5WUF5Wakeup Flag for LLWU_P5Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting LLS or VLLS. To clear the flag writea one to WUF5.0 LLWU_P5 input was not a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS mode1 LLWU_P5 input was a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS mode4WUF4Wakeup Flag for LLWU_P4Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting LLS or VLLS. To clear the flag writea one to WUF4.0 LLWU_P4 input was not a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS mode1 LLWU_P4 input was a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS mode3WUF3Wakeup Flag for LLWU_P3Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting LLS or VLLS. To clear the flag writea one to WUF3.0 LLWU_P3 input was not a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS mode1 LLWU_P3 input was a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS mode2WUF2Wakeup Flag for LLWU_P2Indicates that an enabled external wakeup pin was a source of exiting LLS or VLLS. To clear the flag writea one to WUF2.0 LLWU_P2 input was not a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS mode1 LLWU_P2 input was a source of wakeup from LLS or VLLS modeTable continues on the next page...Memory map/register definitionK51 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 6, Nov 2011332 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.