The C(n)V register stores the value of FTM counter when the selected edge by channel(n) is detected at channel (n) input. The C(n+1)V register stores the value of FTMcounter when the selected edge by channel (n+1) is detected at channel (n) input.In this mode, the pair channels coherency mechanism ensures coherent data when theC(n)V and C(n+1)V registers are read. The only requirement is that C(n)V must be readbefore C(n+1)V.Note• The CH(n)F, CH(n)IE, MS(n)A, ELS(n)B, and ELS(n)Abits are channel (n) bits.• The CH(n+1)F, CH(n+1)IE, MS(n+1)A, ELS(n+1)B, andELS(n+1)A bits are channel (n+1) bits.• It is expected that the dual edge capture mode be used withELS(n)B:ELS(n)A = 0:1 or 1:0, ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A =0:1 or 1:0 and the FTM counter in free running countermode (Free Running Counter). One-Shot Capture ModeThe one-shot capture mode is selected when (FTMEN = 1), (DECAPEN = 1), and(MS(n)A = 0). In this capture mode, only one pair of edges at the channel (n) input iscaptured. The ELS(n)B:ELS(n)A bits select the first edge to be captured, and ELS(n+1)B:ELS(n+1)A bits select the second edge to be captured.The edge captures are enabled while DECAP bit is set. For each new measurement inone-shot capture mode, first the CH(n)F and CH(n+1) bits must be cleared, and then theDECAP bit must be set.In this mode, the DECAP bit is automatically cleared by FTM when the edge selected bychannel (n+1) is captured. Therefore, while DECAP bit is set, the one-shot capture is inprocess. When this bit is cleared, both edges were captured and the captured values areready for reading in the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers.Similarly, when the CH(n+1)F bit is set, both edges were captured and the capturedvalues are ready for reading in the C(n)V and C(n+1)V registers.Chapter 38 FlexTimer (FTM)K51 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 6, Nov 2011Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 967