28.34.5 Flash Common Command Object Registers(FTFL_FCCOBn)The FCCOB register group provides 12 bytes for command codes and parameters. Theindividual bytes within the set append a 0-B hex identifier to the FCCOB register name:FCCOB0, FCCOB1, ..., FCCOBB.Addresses: 4002_0000h base + 4h offset + (1d × n), where n = 0d to 11dBit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Read CCOBnWriteReset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0FTFL_FCCOBn field descriptionsField Description7–0CCOBnThe FCCOB register provides a command code and relevant parameters to the memory controller. Theindividual registers that compose the FCCOB data set can be written in any order, but you must provideall needed values, which vary from command to command. First, set up all required FCCOB fields andthen initiate the command’s execution by writing a 1 to the FSTAT[CCIF] bit. This clears the CCIF bit,which locks all FCCOB parameter fields and they cannot be changed by the user until the commandcompletes (CCIF returns to 1). No command buffering or queueing is provided; the next command can beloaded only after the current command completes.Some commands return information to the FCCOB registers. Any values returned to FCCOB are availablefor reading after the FSTAT[CCIF] flag returns to 1 by the memory controller.The following table shows a generic FTFL command format. The first FCCOB register, FCCOB0, alwayscontains the command code. This 8-bit value defines the command to be executed. The command codeis followed by the parameters required for this specific FTFL command, typically an address and/or datavalues.NOTE: The command parameter table is written in terms of FCCOB Number (which is equivalent to thebyte number). This number is a reference to the FCCOB register name and is not the registeraddress.FCCOB Number Typical Command Parameter Contents [7:0]0 FCMD (a code that defines the FTFL command)1 Flash address [23:16]2 Flash address [15:8]3 Flash address [7:0]4 Data Byte 05 Data Byte 16 Data Byte 27 Data Byte 38 Data Byte 49 Data Byte 5Chapter 28 Flash Memory Module (FTFL)K51 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 6, Nov 2011Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 625