Table 13-13. Commands that are supported (continued)Command Name0x0E Reserved0x0F Reserved0x10 Reserved0x11 ReservedTable 13-14. Responses that are supportedResponse Name0xA0 GenericResponse0xA7 GetPropertyResponse (used for sending responses to GetProperty command only)0xA3 ReadMemoryResponse (used for sending responses to ReadMemory commandonly)Flags: Each command packet contains a Flag byte. Only bit 0 of the flag byte is used. Ifbit 0 of the flag byte is set to 1, then data packets will follow in the command sequence.The number of bytes that will be transferred in the data phase is determined by acommand-specific parameter in the parameters array.ParameterCount: The number of parameters included in the command packet.Parameters: The parameters are word-length (32 bits). With the default maximumpacket size of 32 bytes, a command packet can contain up to 7 parameters. Data packetThe data packet carries just the data, either host sending data to target, or target sendingdata to host. The data transfer direction is determined by the last command sent from thehost. The data packet is also wrapped within a framing packet, to ensure the correctpacket data is received.The contents of a data packet are simply the data itself. There are no other fields, so thatthe most data per packet can be transferred. Framing packets are responsible for ensuringthat the correct packet data is received.Chapter 13 Kinetis ROM BootloaderKL27 Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 5, 01/2016Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 191