LPUARTx_CTRL field descriptions (continued)Field Description0 MA1F interrupt disabled1 MA1F interrupt enabled14MA2IEMatch 2 Interrupt Enable0 MA2F interrupt disabled1 MA2F interrupt enabled13–11ReservedThis field is reserved.This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.10–8IDLECFGIdle ConfigurationConfigures the number of idle characters that must be received before the IDLE flag is set.000 1 idle character001 2 idle characters010 4 idle characters011 8 idle characters100 16 idle characters101 32 idle characters110 64 idle characters111 128 idle characters7LOOPSLoop Mode SelectWhen LOOPS is set, the LPUART_RX pin is disconnected from the LPUART and the transmitter output isinternally connected to the receiver input. The transmitter and the receiver must be enabled to use theloop function.0 Normal operation - LPUART_RX and LPUART_TX use separate pins.1 Loop mode or single-wire mode where transmitter outputs are internally connected to receiver input(see RSRC bit).6DOZEENDoze Enable0 LPUART is enabled in Doze mode.1 LPUART is disabled in Doze mode.5RSRCReceiver Source SelectThis field has no meaning or effect unless the LOOPS field is set. When LOOPS is set, the RSRC fielddetermines the source for the receiver shift register input.0 Provided LOOPS is set, RSRC is cleared, selects internal loop back mode and the LPUART does notuse the LPUART_RX pin.1 Single-wire LPUART mode where the LPUART_TX pin is connected to the transmitter output andreceiver input.4M9-Bit or 8-Bit Mode Select0 Receiver and transmitter use 8-bit data characters.1 Receiver and transmitter use 9-bit data characters.3WAKEReceiver Wakeup Method SelectDetermines which condition wakes the LPUART when RWU=1:• Address mark in the most significant bit position of a received data character, or• An idle condition on the receive pin input signal.Table continues on the next page...Chapter 37 Low Power Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (LPUART)KL27 Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 5, 01/2016Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 661