33.5.6 Interrupt Enable register (USBx_INTEN)Contains enable fields for each of the interrupt sources within the USB Module. Settingany of these bits enables the respective interrupt source in the ISTAT register. Thisregister contains the value of 0x00 after a reset.Address: 4007_2000h base + 84h offset = 4007_2084hBit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Read STALLEN 0 RESUMEEN SLEEPEN TOKDNEEN SOFTOKEN ERROREN USBRSTENWriteReset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0USBx_INTEN field descriptionsField Description7STALLENSTALL Interrupt Enable0 Diasbles the STALL interrupt.1 Enables the STALL interrupt.6ReservedThis field is reserved.This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.5RESUMEENRESUME Interrupt Enable0 Disables the RESUME interrupt.1 Enables the RESUME interrupt.4SLEEPENSLEEP Interrupt Enable0 Disables the SLEEP interrupt.1 Enables the SLEEP interrupt.3TOKDNEENTOKDNE Interrupt Enable0 Disables the TOKDNE interrupt.1 Enables the TOKDNE interrupt.2SOFTOKENSOFTOK Interrupt Enable0 Disbles the SOFTOK interrupt.1 Enables the SOFTOK interrupt.1ERRORENERROR Interrupt Enable0 Disables the ERROR interrupt.1 Enables the ERROR interrupt.0USBRSTENUSBRST Interrupt Enable0 Disables the USBRST interrupt.1 Enables the USBRST interrupt.Memory map/Register definitionsKL27 Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 5, 01/2016546 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.