LPUARTx_STAT field descriptions (continued)Field Description0 No idle line detected.1 Idle line was detected.19ORReceiver Overrun FlagOR is set when software fails to prevent the receive data register from overflowing with data. The OR bit isset immediately after the stop bit has been completely received for the dataword that overflows the bufferand all the other error flags (FE, NF, and PF) are prevented from setting. The data in the shift register islost, but the data already in the LPUART data registers is not affected. If LBKDE is enabled and a LINBreak is detected, the OR field asserts if LBKDIF is not cleared before the next data character is received.While the OR flag is set, no additional data is stored in the data buffer even if sufficient room exists. Toclear OR, write logic 1 to the OR flag.0 No overrun.1 Receive overrun (new LPUART data lost).18NFNoise FlagThe advanced sampling technique used in the receiver takes three samples in each of the received bits. Ifany of these samples disagrees with the rest of the samples within any bit time in the frame then noise isdetected for that character. NF is set whenever the next character to be read from LPUART_DATA wasreceived with noise detected within the character. To clear NF, write logic one to the NF.0 No noise detected.1 Noise detected in the received character in LPUART_DATA.17FEFraming Error FlagFE is set whenever the next character to be read from LPUART_DATA was received with logic 0 detectedwhere a stop bit was expected. To clear FE, write logic one to the FE.0 No framing error detected. This does not guarantee the framing is correct.1 Framing error.16PFParity Error FlagPF is set whenever the next character to be read from LPUART_DATA was received when parity isenabled (PE = 1) and the parity bit in the received character does not agree with the expected parityvalue. To clear PF, write a logic one to the PF.0 No parity error.1 Parity error.15MA1FMatch 1 FlagMA1F is set whenever the next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA1. To clear MA1F,write a logic one to the MA1F.0 Received data is not equal to MA11 Received data is equal to MA114MA2FMatch 2 FlagMA2F is set whenever the next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA2. To clear MA2F,write a logic one to the MA2F.0 Received data is not equal to MA21 Received data is equal to MA2Table continues on the next page...Chapter 37 Low Power Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (LPUART)KL27 Sub-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 5, 01/2016Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 657