USER’S GUIDE106 CyberSWITCHU SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSiprouteDisplays the current IP static routing configuration data. The meaning of each displayed fieldfor a route entry is:D ESTINATIONIP address for the destination network or host.S UBNET -M ASKSubnet mask value for the destination network or host. A value of indicatesthat this entry is for a specific IP host.N EXT HOPIP address or device name for the next hop router that provides access to the destinationnetwork or the host.M ETRICHop count to the destination network or the host.iproute addAllows an IP static route to be added to the current configuration. The required configurationelements are explained below:I S THIS THE DEFAULT ROUTE?Select whether or not this route is the default route or a route to a specific network that has beenpreviously configured. The default route is a form of a static route that is useful when there area large number of networks that can be accessed through a gateway. Care must be taken whenspecifying a default route. All IP datagrams that specify a destination IP address that do nothave an explicit routing table entry will be sent to the default route. If this destination IPaddress is unreachable, it could result in a large amount of unnecessary network traffic.IP- ADDRESSThe Destination IP address using dotted decimal notation. is used to specify thedefault route coupled with Subnet-Mask value UBNET -M ASKThe number of significant bits for the subnet mask using dotted decimal notation. The maskbits start at the most significant bit of the IP address field and proceed to the least significantbit. If this is a host specific route entry, the mask value must be Use the defaultif you are unsure of this value.N EXT HOPIP address using dotted decimal notation for the next hop router that provides access to thenetwork or the host specified by IP address. Next hop should be on the network directlyconnected to a LAN interface or one of the CyberSWITCH IP sites. If next hop is one of thesystem’s IP sites, the IP address for that site should be used.METRIC VALUEHop count to the destination network or the host.