Small Office Remote Access Switch 271CONFIGURING IPXIPX Isolated ModeIPX T YPE 20 P ACKET HANDLING CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSIPX T YPE 20 PACKET H ANDLING S TATUSYou may enable or disable IPX type 20 packet WAN forwarding. When it is enabled, you mayspecify devices that can use this feature.IPX T YPE 20 P ACKET H ANDLING D EVICE C ONFIGURATION ELEMENTSOnce you enable the feature, you can then enter devices to use the feature. The followingconfiguration elements are entered for each device.IPX T YPE 20 PACKET D EVICESThe device name of the previously configured device.IPX T YPE 20 PACKET F ORWARD C ONTROL M ETHODAllows you to determine under what conditions IPX type 20 broadcast packets will be broadcastedto the designated device.IPX T YPE 20 P ACKET HANDLING BACKGROUND INFORMATIONIn order for certain protocol implementations, such as NetBIOS, to function in the NetWareenvironment, routes must allow a broadcast packet to be propagated throughout an IPX internet.The IPX type 20 packet is used specifically for this purpose.However, it is not practical, nor sometimes desirable, to propagate broadcast packets over theWAN. To help you control IPX type 20 packets more flexibly, this configuration allows IPX type 20broadcast packets to be propagated to only certain remote devices under certain conditions (forexample, only when the connection is up, or always).IPX ISOLATED M ODECONFIGURING IPX I SOLATED M ODEU SING CFGEDIT1. Press 9 from the IPX menu to configure the IPX isolated mode.2. Follow the onscreen instructions to enable or disable the IPX isolated mode.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSipxisoAllows you to enable/disable IPX isolated mode.IPX I SOLATED MODE CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSIsolated Mode StatusYou may enable or disable the isolated mode.