USER’S GUIDE72 CyberSWITCHinternal Asynchronous Usage Discriminator (AUD), which monitors the data stream. The AUDdetermines if this is to be a PPP connection, or a remote console connection. This determination ismade within a configurable time frame:• if the AUD detects PPP LCP frames, it connects the data to a PPP stack. The CyberSWITCH sendsthe data to the LAN as appropriate.• if the AUD detects four carriage returns from a console device, it will provide analog console ac-cess by presenting a CyberSWITCH login prompt to the console.• if neither situation is detected within the configured time frame, the connection is turned overto PPP.LINESTo parallel the preconfigured serial resource (COMMPORT), there is also a preconfigured serialline named ASYNDMPORT. This line may not be deleted from the CyberSWITCH configuration,but its values (including mode of operation) are changeable.A single WAN line and resource are also preconfigured.To change configuration or configure additional lines, follow the instructions below.CONFIGURING L INESU SING CFGEDITTo configure lines, select Data Lines from the Physical Resources menu.1. Enter the line name.2. Select the line’s slot and port combination.3. Choose either a point-to-point or a point-multipoint interface type.4. If you select a line interface type of point-multipoint, you will need to choose one of thefollowing call screening methods: none, subaddress, or telephone number. If you choose thesubaddress screening method, you must configure a subaddress. Refer to Configuring aSubaddress.Null ModemConnectionConsolePortPPPStackConsoleManager(Login Prompt)AsynchronousUsageDiscriminatorPPP LCPFrames4 CRs(Carriage Returns)