Small Office Remote Access Switch 385PROBLEM DIAGNOSISIPX Routing and Service TablesIPX R OUTING AND S ERVICE T ABLESProblem:The routing table on the CyberSWITCH is full.Action:The number of entries in the routing table is a configurable entity. This parameter may be betweenthe values of 20 and 3072, and should be based on system need and system memory constraints.We recommend this value be at least 10% more than what you predict to be needed (more than 10%with larger network topologies). To predict need, use the following formula:1 + (2 x # configured IPX network interfaces) + (# configured static routes) + (# RIP routes)1. Determine number of needed entries in routing table:• Issue the IPX route stats command to determine number of configured static routes and RIProutes;• from Manage Mode, issue ipxnetif command to determine number of network interfaces;• plug this data into previously-described formula.2. Run CFGEDIT. From Options, select IPX Routing.3. Select IPX RIP Table maximum number...4. Increase the size of the table based upon your calculations.Problem:The service table on the CyberSWITCH is full.Action:The number of entries in the service table is a configurable entity. This parameter may be betweenthe values of 20 and 3072, and should be based on system need and system memory constraints.We recommend this value be at least 10% more than what you predict to be needed (more than 10%with larger network topologies). To predict need, use the following formula:(# configured static services) + (# SAP services)1. Determine number of needed entries in service table:• Issue the IPX service stats command to determine number of configured static services andSAP services;• plug this data into previously-described formula.2. Run CFGEDIT. From Options, select IPX Routing.3. Select IPX SAP Table maximum number...4. Increase the size of the table based upon your calculations.