USER’S GUIDE62 CyberSWITCH3. Change the admin and guest system passwords.If your system was previously accessed by your distributor, the preconfigured password willbe admin (in lower case). Change this password to secure your system. To make this change,enter the following command at the system prompt:pswdThen follow the prompts to enter a new password. Your password must be a 3 to 16 nonblankcharacter string. Be careful, passwords are uppercase and lowercase sensitive.R ETURN CONFIGURATION TO FACTORY D EFAULTSThe default configuration files are located on the CSX150 Documentation and Set-Up diskettes.If you wish to return to the default configuration, download the DEFLTCFG.OSW file. Followthe same steps for Local or Remote Upgrade except download the file DEFLTCFG.OSW insteadof the UPGRADE.OSW file.A CCESSING THE R ELEASE N OTESThe Release Notes provide release highlights and important information related to this release thatshould be reviewed before you begin the system’s installation and configuration.The Release Notes are located on diskette as well as on the system’s FLASH file system.The Release Notes on diskette are located in the REL_NOTE.TXT file. This file is a DOS text file youcan read on a DOS machine. Insert the diskette into the drive, change to the proper directory, andenter the following command at the DOS prompt:[drive]:\[platform directory][ISDN standard directory][option directory]> typeREL_NOTE.TXT | moreFor example, if you are using drive D, you are installing a CSX156, using JAPAN ISDN standardsand the IP/IPX option, you would use the following path:D:\CSX156\JAPAN\IPIPX> type REL_NOTE.TXT | more