Small Office Remote Access Switch 193CONFIGURING A LTERNATE ACCESSESFrame Relay AccessesLMIIndicates whether or not this frame relay access will support the Local Management Interface(LMI). If this frame relay access supports LMI, LMI information can be displayed by entering thefr lmi command at the system console prompt. For further LMI information, refer to the LocalManagement Interface Overview.LMI F ORMATThe LMI format used by this frame relay access. Available formats include ANSI, and CCITT. Therecommended LMI format is CCITT. If this format is unavailable, use ANSI.CLLM M ESSAGESIndicates whether or not this frame relay access will support Consolidated Link Layer Management(CLLM) messages. CLLM is recommended for systems in Japan. CLLM must be requested fromyour carrier service. The CLLM message is based on the standard Layer 2 XID frame used for theexchange of functional information. If this frame relay access supports CLLM messages, any ofthese messages that are sent across the network will be included in the system log messages. Toaccess the system log message, enter thedr command at the system console prompt.LINK INTEGRITY V ERIFICATION T IMER V ALUEThe number of seconds between sending STATUS_ENQUIRY messages. This parameter is acomponent of the LMI.F ULL S TATUS E NQUIRY POLLING COUNTThe number of intervals to elapse before sending a full report STATUS_ENQUIRY message. Thelength of each interval is equal to the value of the configured Link Integrity Verification Timer. Thisparameter is a component of the LMI.ERROR THRESHOLD C OUNTThe number of errors in the last “n” events required to declare an alarm. When an alarm is declared,a system message will be logged stating that the alarm is now on. To access system log messages,enter thedr command at the system console prompt. The number of events (“n”) is equal to thevalue of the configured Full Status Enquiry Polling Count. This parameter is a component of theLMI.MONITORED EVENTS COUNTThe number of consecutive correct events required to reset an alarm. This parameter is acomponent of the LMI.FRAME RELAY PVC CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSOnce the above frame relay parameters have been configured, the associated PVCs should beconfigured. A frame relay access may have multiple PVCs, within this limit: the aggregatebandwidth of all associated PVCs cannot exceed the bandwidth of the frame relay access.DLCI VALUEEach data frame to be transmitted by an endpoint is identified by a Data Link Connection Identifier(DLCI). The DLCI is supplied by the service provider at subscription time. It is a unique identifierfor that PVC. The DLCI identifies a pre-established path, or permanent virtual circuit, within theaccess line to the frame relay network. The frame relay switch at the edge of the frame relaynetwork, the one to which the access line is directly connected, routes the packet to the intendeddestination based on the DLCI therein. Hence, each packet is routed independently through thenetwork based on the addressing information provided by this identifier.