Small Office Remote Access Switch 107CONFIGURING B ASIC IP ROUTINGStatic RoutesIP RIP P ROPAGATION CONTROLThe IP RIP propagation control determines how a static route is propagated via IP RIP. Thefollowing table provides an explanation of how a IP RIP propagation control flag is assigned toa static route.iproute changeAllows an existing IP static route to be changed.iproute deleteAllows an IP static route to be deleted from the current configuration.STATIC R OUTE CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSD ESTINATION IP A DDRESSIP address using dotted decimal notation that specifies the destination (sub-) network or host.S UBNET MASKThe Subnet mask for the destination (sub-) network. A subnet mask of implies thatthis static route entry is for a host rather than a (sub-) network. The Subnet mask is specified byentering the number of contiguous bits that are set for the mask. The mask bits start at the mostsignificant bit of the IP address field and proceed to the least significant bit.N EXT HOP A DDRESSIP address using dotted decimal notation (or if an unnumbered WAN interface is used, thisconfiguration element is the device name) for the next hop gateway that provides access to thetarget (sub-) network or host. The IP address (or the device name) of the Next Hop must be on the(sub) network connected to a defined interface.M ETRIC V ALUEThe administrative distance to the destination of the entry. The administrative distance is typicallymeasured by the number of hop counts (number of routers) between the CyberSWITCH and thedestination, but it is up to you to assign proper value to each route entry. If multiple routes exist tothe same destination, the route with the least metric value will be chosen as its primary route. Caremust be taken when assigning the metric value of 0, because it is interpreted that the destination isFlag MeaningPropagate Always This flag indicates that the route information is alwayspropagated via IP RIP.This flag is available when the next hop is over a LANor a WAN interface.Propagate onlywhen the NextHop is ConnectedThis flag indicates that the route information ispropagated via IP RIP only when the next hop router isconnected to the system.This flag is available when the next hop is over a LANor a WAN interface.Do Not Propagate This flag indicates that the static route information is notpropagated over the interface.This flag is available only when the next hop is over aWAN interface.