USER’S GUIDE320 CyberSWITCHLOG O PTIONSLog options allow you to direct log reports to a specific location. Reports an be directed to a locallog file, or to a UNIX-style syslogs server. Currently, only call detail recording (CDR) reports canbe directed to a specific location.CONFIGURING L OG O PTIONSU SING CFGEDIT1. Select Log Options from the Options menu.2. Select Servers from the Log Options menu.a. No configuration is needed for a local log file. The local log file name is preconfigured.b. To configure a Syslog Server, select Add a Syslog Server from the Log Options menu, thenenter the following information:• Enter the syslog server IP address using dotted decimal notation.• Enter the UDP port number for the Syslog Server.c. To assign a log file to Call Detail Reporting (CDR) logs, select Call Detail Recording from theLog Options menu, then enter the following information:• Press <1> to select an active server to which the CDR log reports will be sent.• Enter the ID of the log file you wish to use.• If a preconfigured Syslog Server is selected, enter the decimal UNIX priority value.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSlog optionsDisplays the Log Options menu. The configuration screens are identical to those displayed byCFGEDIT. Refer to the above section for instructions.L OG O PTIONS CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSNote: The local log file path and file name is preconfigured for your system; no configurationelements are entered for a local log file. Configuration elements are only needed for SyslogServers.IP ADDRESSThe IP address of the Syslog Server using dotted decimal notation.UDP PORTThe UDP port that the syslogd daemon is listening on. The default port number is 514. Most often,this will be the UDP port number you will use. Consult your UNIX documentation if you areunsure of the UDP port number.DECIMAL UNIX PRIORITY VALUEThe default priority value is “38”, which in BSD UNIX 4.3 represents a priority Because the values for both the facilities and the severity levels may vary from