Small Office Remote Access Switch 75C ONFIGURING RESOURCES AND L INESLinesCALL S CREENING M ETHODSIf you select a line interface type of point-multipoint, choose one of the following call screeningmethods: none, subaddress, or telephone number. The paragraphs below define each method.1. NoneAll calls will be accepted.2. SubaddressUses a configured subaddress for this site. If the subaddress method is chosen, and asubaddress has not been configured for this site, an error message will be displayed. You musteither choose another method, or configure a subaddress for this site.3. Telephone NumberTelephone number(s) for your site used for call screening. Only calls directed to that specifictelephone number will be accepted. If there is more than one, enter the list of telephonenumbers separated by commas. After entering the telephone numbers, you will then be askedto enter the maximum number of digits (starting at the rightmost digit) to be verified.Note: If the telephone number(s) entered here do not exactly match the number(s) for the site,you will be warned at this time. (The number of digits compared will be the number ofdigits you chose to use for verification.)D ATA LINKSA data link is a data communications link to the telephone switch. Your Carrier Service can provideyou with the data link values you need to configure. All switch types, except the DMS100 and theNI-1, require a single data link per line. The NI-1 switch type can have either one or two data linksper line. The DMS100s generally require two data links per line, one for each B channel. For bothNI-1 and DMS100 switch types, contact your Service Provider for the number of data linksrequired.The table below summarizes the number of data links and SPIDs that are required for each switchtype.When adding a data link for BRI lines, designate whether to use Automatic TEI Negotiation.Automatic TEI Negotiation is used UNLESS this is a point-to-point NTT line. If you do not useAutomatic TEI Negotiation, a TEI value is required. The default TEI value is 0, which is normallycorrect for a point-to-point NTT line. For PRI lines, use the default TEI value of 0.Data links are handled differently for DMS and NI-1 switches. For most switches, the BRI line hasonly one phone number (for the Data Link), but it can handle two calls (one for each bearerchannel). For DMS and NI-1 switches, the BRI line has two SPIDs, and two phone numbers. Notethat either SPID can use either bearer channel. There is no one-to-one correspondence. You mustSwitch Type Number of DataLinksNumber of SPIDs Number ofDirectory NumbersDMS100 custom 2 2 2NI-1 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2all other 1 0 0