Small Office Remote Access Switch 549SYSTEM S TATISTICSFrame Relay StatisticsDHCPNAKs rcvdIncremented whenever the DHCP Proxy Client has received a DHCPNAK message from a DHCPserver.Invalid DHCP pkts rcvdIncremented whenever the DHCP Proxy Client encounters a DHCP message that is invalid due toeither of the following:• the ’op’ field is not equal to BOOTREPLY• the DHCP ’special field’ is not found at the beginning of the options fieldWhen this occurs, the packet is silently discarded.Invalid XID rcvdIncremented whenever the DHCP Proxy Client manager receives a DHCP message with atransaction ID that was not reserved by any of the underlying DHCP client invocations. When thisoccurs, the packet is silently discarded.No xmt buffer availableIncremented whenever the DHCP Proxy Client cannot successfully get a buffer from the ProxyClient’s transmit buffer pool. This can happen whenever we are trying to send BOOTREQUESTmessages to a DHCP server.F RAME R ELAY S TATISTICSYou can access these statistics by issuing thefr stats console command. The statistics displayedwill be associated with the currently selected Access and DLCI.ACCESS RELATED STATISTICSAccess StateThe condition of the Frame Relay Access. Possible values are TERMINATED, INIT, UP, andDOWN. The definitions for the possible values are as follows:TERMINATEDThe access state entered when the access is dynamically removed.INITThe access state entered when the access is first initialized. The access has entered the LMIdialogue phase, but has not yet received an appropriate LMI STATUS message response.UPThe access state entered when the access either has no LMI, or the LMI message exchangeis confirmed.DOWNThe access state entered when the access has been lost due to layer 1 loss, or after noresponse has been received on the LMI link.# Line Ready CountThe number of times the physical link underlying the Frame Relay Access has become “ready” foruse.