USER’S GUIDE296 CyberSWITCH3. Follow the onscreen instructions to keep the feature enabled.4. Enter the sample rate in seconds.5. Enter the overload trigger number.6. Enter the overload window size.7. Enter the overload percentage utilization.8. Enter the underload trigger number.9. Enter the underload window size.10. Enter the idle trigger number.11. Enter the idle window size.12. Enter the idle percentage utilization.13. Press "Y" to accept the configuration changes you have made.U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMANDSthruputDisplays the current throughput monitor configuration data.thruput changeAllows the current throughput monitor configuration data to be changed. Refer to theCFGEDIT section for specific parameters.THROUGHPUT M ONITOR CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSS AMPLE R ATEA Sample Rate identifies the number of seconds for each sample period. The default setting for thesample rate is 5 seconds. During this period, the system keeps track of the total number of bytesthat is transferred in both directions between two systems. The utilization percentage is determinedby comparing this total with the realistic maximum for the current aggregate amount ofbandwidth.O VERLOAD TRIGGER N UMBERThe number of samples within the window that must exceed the specified utilization for theOVERLOAD condition to occur.O VERLOAD W INDOW S IZEThe number of sample periods (up to 32) that you should use as the sliding window.O VERLOAD PERCENT U TILIZATIONThe percentage of the available bandwidth that the traffic samples must exceed for an overloadcondition to occur.