USER’S GUIDE166 CyberSWITCHsystem will send an access request retry if the primary server does not respond. After theconfigured number of retries, the system will request authentication information from thesecondary server if one is configured. The connection will be released if neither server responds tothe access requests.Note: For user level security, the CyberSWITCH’s default Telnet port number is 7000, not thenormal default (23).ACE A UTHENTICATION S ERVERCONFIGURING AN ACE A UTHENTICATION SERVERNote: In order for the CyberSWITCH to reference ACE server, the following configuration stepsmust first be completed:• basic IP routing information must be configured for ACE• a LAN Network interface must be configured appropriately for the IP networkconnected to each LAN port on the system• at least one WAN Network Interface must be configured for ACE to be operableU SING CFGEDIT1. Select option (4), ACE from the Off-node Server Information menu. If you need guidance tofind this menu, refer to the instructions provided in the VRA Manager Authentication Serverconfiguration section. The following screen will be displayed:2. Select Primary Server and enter the following information:a. IP address of the Authentication Serverb. UDP port number used by the Authentication Server3. If your configuration includes an ACE Slave server, then select Secondary Server. Enter its IPaddress. The UDP port number for the Master and Slave servers will be the same, regardless ofwhich server configuration screen from which it is entered.ACE Authentication Server Menu:Primary (Master) Serveris Not ConfiguredSecondary (Slave) Serveris Not ConfiguredAccess RequestNumber of Access Retries is 3Time between Retries is 1 secondEncryption Method SDISource IP address is Not ConfiguredACE Server Options:1) Primary (Master) Server2) Secondary (Slave) Server3) Miscellaneous Information4) Load ACE configuration file.Select function from above or for previous menu:1