Small Office Remote Access Switch 207CONFIGURING ADVANCED BRIDGINGBridge FiltersHardware Filter CommandshwfiltDisplays the current hardware filter configuration datahwfilt addAllows a hardware filter to be added to the current configuration.hwfilt changeAllows the current hardware filter configuration data to be changed.hwfilt deleteAllows a hardware filter to be deleted from the current configuration.BRIDGE FILTER CONFIGURATION ELEMENTSP ROTOCOL D EFINITION C ONFIGURATION E LEMENTSP ROTOCOL NAMEA user-defined name for the protocol to be filtered. It can be from 1 to 17 alphanumeric charactersin length.ETHERNET TYPE IN HEXA four digit hexadecimal number (from 0600 to FFFF) that checks the protocol Id of a MAC frame.LSAP IN H EXA four digit hexadecimal number (from 0000 to FFFF) that checks the protocol Id of a MAC frame.B RIDGE FILTER CONFIGURATION E LEMENTSF ILTER A CTIONFor each filter category, there are three filtering actions that the system can perform on a packet:discard, forward, or connect the packet.MAC-A DDRESSAn assigned Media Access Control address as defined by IEEE 802.3 specifications. MAC-addresses are specified as 12 character hexadecimal numbers.M ULTICAST A DDRESSA Media Access Control address with the group bit set to 1.D ISTRIBUTION LISTA distribution list is defined as the WAN and/or LAN ports to which the filter action will beapplied. The distribution list is selected from a displayed list of possible choices (LAN, WAN,Device Table, or all destinations).M ASKHexadecimal number up to 80 characters in length that specifies which bits in the data packets aresignificant. There must be an even number of hexadecimal digits in the number. A scale will bedisplayed to help you enter the Mask accurately.