USER’S GUIDE376 CyberSWITCHHost, the remote IP Host may need a proper route entry for the local network where theCyberSWITCH is located. Make corrections to the remote IP Host configuration.Problem:The remote IP Host connected to a WAN interface on the CyberSWITCH does not receive a pingresponse from the local IP Host.Action:1. Verify that the remote IP Host can access the LAN interface of the CyberSWITCH. If the remoteIP Host accesses the LAN interface, then continue with the next step.If the remote Host is unable to access the LAN interface, refer to the preceding problem andassociated actions.2. Verify that the local IP Host has the route entry for the remote network with the CyberSWITCHas the next hop.If the local IP Host has the proper route entry to the remote network, refer to Verify IP RoutingOver a LAN Connection in the System Verification chapter.If the local IP Host does not have the proper route entry, make corrections to the local IP Hostconfiguration.IP ROUTING OVER A WAN (DIRECT HOST) I NTERFACE CONNECTIONProblem:The remote IP Host connected to a WAN (Direct Host) interface on the CyberSWITCH does notreceive a ping response from the CyberSWITCH.Action:1. Verify that the WAN connection is up. Use themc console command to check for theconnection. If the connection is up, then continue with the next step.If the connection is not up, refer to Remote Device Connectivity.2. Verify that the WAN (Direct Host) interface is properly initialized. Use theipnetif command(a Manage Mode command) to check for the proper WAN (Direct Host) interface. If it exists,continue with the next step.If the interface does not exist, use CFGEDIT to make corrections.3. Verify that the subnet mask information and the IP address for the Remote Host matches theIP Host configuration.Problem:The remote IP Host connected to a WAN (Direct Host) interface on the CyberSWITCH does notreceive a ping response from the local IP Host.