USER’S GUIDE540 CyberSWITCHddpTooShortErrorsThe total number of input DDP datagrams dropped because the received data length was less thanthe data length specified in the DDP header or the received data length was less than the length ofthe expected DDP header.ddpTooLongErrorsThe total number of input DDP datagrams dropped because they exceeded the maximum DDPdatagram size.ddpShortDDPErrorsThe total number of input DDP datagrams dropped because this entity was not their finaldestination and their type was short DDP.ddpChecksumErrorsThe total number of input DDP datagrams for which this DDP entity was their final destination,and which were dropped because of a checksum error.ddpFwdingTblOverflwsThe number of times this system attempted to add an entry to the forwarding table but failed dueto overflow.ddpForwRequestsThe number of input datagrams for which this system was not their final DDP destination, as aresult of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination.ddpOutNoRoutesThe total number of DDP datagrams dropped because a route could not be found to their finaldestination.ddpBroadcastErrorsThe total number of input DDP datagrams dropped because this system was not their finaldestination and they were addressed to the link level broadcast.ddpHopCountErrorsThe total number of input DDP datagrams dropped because this system was not their finaldestination and their hop count would exceed 15.A PPLETALK E CHO P ROTOCOL (AEP) S TATISTICSYou can display this subgroup of AppleTalk statistics by issuing theatalk stats echo consolecommand.atechoRequestsThe number of AppleTalk Echo requests received.atechoRepliesThe number of AppleTalk Echo replies sent.atechoOutRequestsThe count of AppleTalk Echo requests sent.