Small Office Remote Access Switch 517S YSTEM COMMANDSIP Routing Commandsip rip routesDisplays information pertaining to the routing table(s) that are maintained by the IP RIPprotocol. The following example screen illustrates the output from this command. Followingthe table is an explanation of the fields displayed for each route.DestinationThe route destination. This destination may be a network number, a subnet address, or a hostaddress.Subnet-MaskThe mask used for the destination.Next HopThe IP address or interface name (for unnumbered interfaces) of the router that is the gatewayfor the route.MtrThe cost of using this route (usually the number of hops to the destination).PThe propagation flag, whereA = Always propagateN = Do not propagateH = Propagate when Next Hop Device Connected1/2RIP Version 1/Version 2 visibility flags determine whether or not this route is visible whensend the route using RIP 1 or RIP 2, where0 = Invisible1 = VisibleTThe type of route, whereA = Active Route, learned via RIP on a LAN interfaceP = Permanent Route, learned via RIP on a WAN interfaceS = Static Route, learned via IP Routing TableH = Host Route, created when an IP Host Device is connectedAgeThe time since the last update was received.[System Name]> IP RIP ROUTESActive RoutesDestination Subnet-Mask Next Hop Mtr P 1/2 TAge---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 A 1/1 A303.3.0.0 4 A 1/1 A30192.168.5.0 0 A 1/1 SN/A4.4.4.1 0 A 1/1 HN/AInactive RoutesDestination Subnet-Mask Next Hop Mtr P 1/2 TAge---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 H 0/1 SN/A