Small Office Remote Access Switch 609C AUSE C ODES T ABLE81 51 invalid call reference valueIndicates that the remote equipment has received a call with a callreference that is not currently in use by the device-network interface.82 52 identified channel does not existIndicates that the receiving equipment has been requested to use achannel that is not activated on the interface for calls.83 53 a suspended call exists, but this call identity does notIndicates that the network received a call resume request. The callresume request contained a Call Identity information element whichindicated that it is in use for a suspended call.84 54 call identity in use85 55 no call suspendedIndicates that the network received a call resume request when therewas not a suspended call pending. This may be a transient error thatwill be resolved by successive retries.86 56 call having the requested call identity has been clearedIndicates that the network received a call resume request. The callresume request contained a Call Identity information element whichonce indicated a suspended call; however, that suspended call wascleared either by time-out or by the remote device.88 58 incompatible destinationIndicates that an attempt was made to connect to non-ISDNequipment; for example, to an analog line.89 59 non-existent abbreviated address entry90 5A remote device initiated 1 TR691 5B invalid transit network specifiedIndicates that the ISDN exchange was asked to route the call throughan intermediate network that is unrecognized.92 5C invalid facility parameter93 5D mandatory information element is missing95 5F invalid message unspecifiedIndicates that an invalid message was received and that no standardcause applies. D-channel error. If this error is returnedsystematically, report the occurrence to your authorized serviceprovider.96 60 mandatory information element is missingIndicates that the receiving equipment received a message that didnot include one of the mandatory information elements. D-channelerror. If this error is returned systematically, report the occurrence toyour authorized service provider.Dec Value Hex Value Q.931 Cause