Small Office Remote Access Switch 201CONFIGURING ADVANCED BRIDGINGMAC Hardware Filtering9. Enable Bridging.10. Enable Make Calls for bridge data. You must have already configured the device’s phone number(Step 6) before the system allows you to enable this feature.Return to the Current Device Table. The system notifies you of proper configuration for your newdevice, or informs you of what you are missing.MAC H ARDWARE F ILTERINGENABLING/D ISABLING MAC HARDWARE F ILTERINGU SING CFGEDIT1. Select MAC H/W Filtering (Enable/Disable) from the Bridging menu.2. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the configuration.Note: Hardware Filtering can not be enabled unless the AppleTalk router has been disabled.U SING M ANAGE M ODE COMMANDShwfiltDisplays the current hardware filter configuration data.hwfilt enableEnables the hardware filter.hwfilt disableDisables the hardware filter.MAC HARDWARE F ILTERING BACKGROUND I NFORMATIONThis feature allows the CyberSWITCH to increase its bridging performance when heavy localunicast traffic is present. Hardware filters let you move the burden of filtering the unicast localtraffic from the CPU to the ethernet controller. This results in both an increase in performance anda reduction in dropped packets. As a default, this feature is disabled.Note: If bridging is disabled, hardware filters have no affect.Device Bridging: (Device = "DAN")1) IP (sub)network number None2) Bridging ENABLED3) Make Calls for bridge data None4) IPX Network Number None5) IPX Spoofing OptionsId of option to change or press for previous menu? 3