Small Office Remote Access Switch 299C ONFIGURING C ALL C ONTROLThroughput MonitorI DLE C ONDITION M ONITORINGThe CyberSWITCH monitors for the idle condition when only one connection to another siteremains. The system detects when there is no longer a need to maintain connectivity with the othersite. An absolute idle condition is defined as a number of consecutive sample periods with zerobytes transferred.Keep-alive type frames may sometimes continue to flow when there is no actual device dataflowing. The system would not detect a completely idle condition, and might leave a connection inuse when it may no longer carry useful traffic. Instead of monitoring for zero traffic, the idlecondition can be set up to detect extremely low, but non-zero, bandwidth utilization. This can bedone by not requiring all samples in the window to be zero, or by monitoring for a low percentageutilization level.Background traffic is often transmitted continuously. It may be necessary to have a minimumdedicated connection to handle the constant traffic, then use switched connections for peak loadsand backup.THROUGHPUT M ONITOR C ONFIGURATION E XAMPLEIn the above example, the sample rate is 5 seconds, the number of samples to examine per samplerate (the window) is 3, the configured percentage to compare against (utilization) is 50 percent, thenumber of times the sample’s utilization percentage must be greater than the configured utilizationpercentage (the trigger) is 2 out of 3 samples. To make things simpler for this example, there is onlyone call up and we are only checking to add another call (overload).After 5 seconds the sample is checked and the average utilization for the 5 seconds was 40 percent.This is less than the configured utilization percentage of 50%, so no action is taken. For the secondsample rate period, the average throughput is 60%. This percentage is greater than the configuredutilization percentage, so the trigger must also be checked. At this point, only 2 samples have beentaken, and the configured window is for 3 samples. The overload condition needs to be met 2 times(the trigger of 2) out of 3 samples (the window of 3) before any action is taken. This condition hasnot been met.Sample rate 5Window 3Trigger 2Utilization 50%50%51015202530350 of 11 of 21 of 31 of 31 of 32 of 3 Overload condition met0 of 1TimeSliding Window