USER’S GUIDE170 CyberSWITCHConcerning item (9), Authentication Timeout, note the following recommendation: If using theSecurity Dynamics Ace Server, modify the timeout value to be greater than the changefrequency value of the SecurID cards. Refer to the Security Dynamics documentation for moreinformation on this change frequency value. In addition, if you are using a VRA Manager forcall control management, this timeout value must represent the amount of time for theauthenticating agent to respond to the login attempt, and for VRA Manger to respond as well.These times should be based on network configuration.U SING M ANAGE M ODEnetloginDisplays the current network login configuration data. After entering thenetlogincommand, you will be prompted for the type of login configuration information you want. Theprompt will resemble the CFGEDIT screen in which this information was originallyconfigured. You may display: user level security general configuration, login banners, loginconfiguration specific to RADIUS, and login configuration specific to TACACS.netlogin changeAllows you to change the current network login configuration data. After entering thenetlogin change command, you will be prompted for the type of login configurationinformation you want to change. The prompt will resemble the CFGEDIT screen in which thisinformation was originally configured. You may change: user level security generalconfiguration, login banners, login configuration specific to RADIUS, and login configurationspecific to TACACS.NETWORK LOGIN G ENERAL CONFIGURATION BACKGROUND INFORMATIONAllows you to change the network login prompts. These include the prompts for:• login ID• dynamic password• user password• old password, new password• passcodeYou may also specify the number of login attempts, password change attempts and the amount oftime in seconds before an authentication timeout.When using DHCP to provide temporary IP addresses to remote clients, it is important to enableBOOTP before Authentication if user authentication is used.